Alabama Elects Jones, Twitter Attacks, and Finally our first biggest Fan - The InternetMexican Show Ep 3


Fullauto223cal's picture



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Grothesk's picture

Gotta say, it made me snigger.  Luckily lots of the idiots who believe that the government should have direct control over your body are dying out.  

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Didn't the mother decide what to do with her body when she decided to carry a child for 8 months?  I can sort of see why you wouldn't ban it completely because it takes time for the mother to realize she is pregnant.  The problem is old Doug here is cool with killing babies up until the moment they leave the womb.  That's just fucked up, about as fucked up as allegedly diddling a 14 year old girl when you're 30rd.


Tell me Grothesk.  If you think the Government shouldn't be able to tell a woman what to do with her body.  Why do you hold the opposite view when it comes to the Government telling men and women what they must do with their body if they happen to be a baker and do not wish to participate in a gay wedding?


If the the Government shouldn't be able to tell people what to do with their body, why do you support the Government telling people what pronouns they have to use when addressing other people?

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Grothesk's picture

"Religious freedom" is a fucking bullshit scam of a bastardization.  The government is not allowed to judge *WHY* people may choose to refuse to sell a cake to a gay couple for their wedding because their job is to stay the fuck out of religion.  However, I as a citizen can judge a baker for refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple and it's fucking nonsense.  That same baker doesn't give a shit if they sell a fucking cake to a divorced woman whom is remarrying...which Jesus GODDAMN FUCKING CAME OUT AND DIRECTLY FUCKING CALLED A "SIN" and yet these bakers are shitting their pants over selling a cake to a couple of queers despite the fact Jesus doesn't say fuckin' bupkiss about.  He says nada.  He says fucking nothing.  I as a private citizen can fucking judge those bakers as fucking hypocritical fuckin' sell outs who are using their religion to justify feeling icky around fags; they're perverting their religion to justify their hate.  I as an individual citizen see them for the fucking frauds they are and I'm not going to fight for their right to hate.  However, the government is not allowed to make the same distinction as me so they need to play this stupid fucking game where they don't treat raging assholes like the raging assholes they are.  Also, being forced to have a baby because the government forces it isn't the same as symbolically supporting something you don't agree with.  One of those events is life-changing, the other one can be annulled literally a minute after it happens.  They're not the same.


Also, Doug Jones clarified his views upon abortion after the MSNBC interview but Republicans don't want to acknowledge that and instead attack him as being ultra-progressive on abortion. He isn't ultra-progressive, he holds similar views to most Democrats.  I'll also need a source link to "the Government telling people what pronouns they have to use when addressing other people" because that sounds like made up bullshit as well.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

"Religious freedom" is a fucking bullshit scam of a bastardization.


Actually it's not.  It's right there in the 1st Amendment.  You can call it hate if you want, doesn't change the fact that it's a person has no obligation to act contrary to their religious edicts.  You can point out the hypocrisy of cherry picking parts of their religion, but it's still their religion.

Yes, you are free to judge and you're free not to purchase that person's services.  I can't really tell where you stand on the Government punishing people who choose not violate their religious beliefs.  It sort of sounds like you're saying that but you skip right to defending abortion.


I was just curious if you are intellectually consistent.  If you truely are pro-choice then the idea of the Government punishing people for making a choice should be abhorrent to you even when it's a choice you think is wrong.

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Grothesk's picture

"You can call it hate if you want, doesn't change the fact that it's a person has no obligation to act contrary to their religious edicts."


That's actually where the problem is:  I know the Bible.  The Bible does indeed tell the ancient Jews before Jesus was fucked into being by God into Mary that they are to stone gays to death and drive them from their community which was forming after their Exodus from slavery in Egypt.  That shit shuts the fuck up real goddamn quick by the time Jesus comes around 1400 years later because the fuckin' Romans are in charge and gay bars are all over the place; this is important because the Bible would fucking tell the Jews of Jesus' time to not sell their Jew shit to the queers all around them...but I notice that it doesn't, huh?  Do you notice those Jews selling their wares to the Gentiles, ya fuckin' rube?  So where is this decree to not serve queers some goddamn cake?  Oh, it's not there.  And yet I can directly link you text right out of Jesus's fuckin' mouth talking about how people who divorce and re-marry are obviously those cake-makers better not be selling cakes to them...RIGHT?!  Well these cake-sellers are probably stabbing their fucking fake god right in the general area of where his back would be (if he even existed) beause they sell giant fucking cakes to fuckin' divorcees all the goddamn time...OH BUT WHAT A FUCKING TRAVESTY IF THEY SELL TO SOME QUEERS.  This shows the entire "muh Bible" argument to be a full on fucking sham that even the cake-bakers don't believe in.


On a personal level this destroys your fucking argument in half.  But right wingers don't really give a shit about acting rational or being logical so they boil the argument down to "I don't want to support fags because da Bible tells me so".  IT'S A FUCKING SYMBOLIC GESTURE FOR SOMETHING THE BIBLE DOESN'T EVEN TELL THEM TO FUCKING SHUN.  So already we have exposed this as arbitrary bullshit that can be changed on a whim to ensure that right wingers can oppress a minority.  So now the question becomes how much do we value idiot right wingers who even adhere to their own fucking code being able to oppress their fellow citizens?  Apparently we can just make this shit up as we go along so clearly it shouldn't matter that fucking much and yet we value it so highly that we allow religious fucktards to tell fags to hit the road.  Over what?  Over their own beliefs that they themselves don't believe in?  Seems pretty fucking stupid. 


So now let's weigh the value of idiot right wingers who can change their religious views on a fucking whim and who don't care to follow their own Bible to be able to tell fags to hit the road vs. the freedoms of American citizens who happen to be gay.  Well obviously I care more about the American citizens to be treated fairly and equally rather than idiots who don't know their own Bible.  If they don't know their own Bible and they are shown to be hypocrites then fuck them; boo fucking hoo that you can't oppress a minority because you're not allowed to change what your Bible says on a whim.  HOWEVER, all of that is my own personal view on it and I'm obviously an anti-theist, especially when it comes to fucking hypocrites.  This isn't how the Constituion is ran and I don't expect it to be...but that's my opinion upon it. 


When it comes to the topic of abortion it is much, much more important than hicks being hypocritical and not following their own Bible when it comes to serving THE GAYS some cakes.  Abortion is a very personal choice that can lead to suicide or results in the transformation of a fetus to a human.  Let me re-iterate that the topic of choosing to give birth or choosing abortion is ten billion times more important than idiot hicks intentionally misinterpreting their fucking Bible so they can piss off queers.  The government should NOT be telling women what to do with their own fucking bodies because that is an overreach of their power and this is where my opinion lines up perfectly with the Constitution.  A woman choosing or not choosing to abort has affects society and it directly changes their lives and the government may be able to say at what point they can choose or not choose, but they do not have the ultimate authority over people to tell them how what to do with their bodies.  And, yes, I am wholly okay with the legalization of all drugs and substances as well to go along with this.  However, right wingers are entirely fine with the government over stepping their bounds when it comes to oppressing THE GAYS because...well, you and I know certainly well why they're fine with that.  "DON'T TREAD ON ME!  But please allow me to tell fags to git owt of my store because of the Bible and stop that little whore from killing a defenseless baby that I also don't want to pay for!" 


I hope you enjoyed my rant.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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Grothesk's picture

If you don't have the stamina to read then don't fucking ask.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

May you could be more...

Concise - giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

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Grothesk's picture

These "Christians" don't follow their own Bible when it comes to divorce (which Jesus specifically spoke upon) but they're crying out for Constitutional protections when it comes to shit the Bible doesn't cover which shows that they'll twist not only the Bible but the Constitution to their own desires.  Shouldn't you be pissed that they're so flippantly retarding the document that you love so dearly?  Or are you okay with two-faced, delusional assholes making a mockery of the Constitution?


Or did that one paragraph take up too much of your low reserves of energy to read?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Of course Christians don't follow the Bible, if they followed the Bible as it was written then the US would look no different than the other shit hole Muslim controlled nations.  I'm will to grant that religious people pick and choose which parts of their Holy texts to follow and which to interpret away.  Here's what you UTTERLY FAIL to grasp Mr. Fudd; THAT IS THEIR RIGHT TO DO.


Do you know what freedom of conscience is Mr. Fudd.  I would hope so since it is one of the things guaranteed by the First Amendment.  It's the freedom that says people may follow their religion according to how they want to follow it.  It might piss you off that not all of them follow it too the letter but frankly I'm glad as hell they don't.


You claim they are twisting the Constitution to their own desires.  WRONG! Mr. Fudd.  You are twisting the Constitution to your desires as I know for a fact there is nothing in the Constitution that grants the Federal or State Government the POWER to force someone under penalty of law to render products or service to another person.  And the States that have such laws have ursruped that power.


Your little bitching and moaning about Christians getting divorces is entirely irrelevant.  I know this because if I told you the cake maker has never been divorced you would suddenly forget all about the issue of divorce and change your bullshit argument to focus on wearing clothes of different materials or not properly observing some other nit picky horse shit.  How you think they ought to observe their religion is ENTIRELY and UTTERLY irrelevant to the matter.


They are not "retarding" the document and yes I do love it dearly.  I love it to the point that I'm willing to stand by it even when it protects a fellow citizen's right to do things I might disagree with.


And let's also not kid ourselves that you are some lover and protector of the Constitution when your ass would willingly strip every god damn citizen of their right to keep and bear arms.  Give me a fucking break.


In summary, you nor I, even if we're married and suck each others dick, have the right to demand the labor of others.

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