Sound Warning: The gun noises are loud.
A bug in the game let us play 10 players vs A.I, when it was actually just meant for two players.
This video made the developer increase the player size from 2 players COOP, to 4 players.
A 10 player COOP mode is not ruled out according to the developer.
Onward is one of the most popular games for VR, originally made for HTC Vive, it now also has Oculus Rift support.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
What is this for - PS4? I want this.
(Old Spike)
It's for PC. I almost put Playstation VR in the description, but I found that was not the case yet. But VR is quickly becoming THE crossplatform medium that they promised us years ago, so I wouldn't rule it out.
BTW this entire game is made by one guy. And I used to watch the shit out of his youtube channel for all his small tests and updates on a game concept I never thought would come out.
I think he was invited to Valve at some point for a while to work on the game and receive help and input from industry professionals.
(Old Spike)
When I got my PSVR I was thrilled to discover that I have no inkling of VR sickness. I put that thing on to play Valkyrie and when I take it off 5 hours have gone by sometimes.
(Old Spike)
Same here man. I almost thought VR sickness was overreactive bullshit until I let my brother try it. If there's any kind of movement except for normal tracking, it's game over for him. He has to go lie down somewhere and starts moaning. Fucking hilarious because he wants to enjoy it so bad.
(Old Spike)
I let a neighbor try Valkyrie and they refused to look around - they would only look straight ahead and were so bothered by it they don't want to try it again.