Rug Washing Procedure

sal9000's picture

Rug Washing Procedure

Average: 4.1 (19 votes)


bronobo's picture

those are some nasty rugs

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Oddly fascinating

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sato's picture

ikr, why is random stuff like this so interesting?

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GKhan's picture

I find watching cleaning soothing in general.

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Mori's picture

Stop being weird and go watch some porn.

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robbby1234's picture

That's a satisfying cleaning experience.

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Dagambit's picture

This music makes it all that more captivating.

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tokixjam's picture

And that's why it costs hundreds to clean. Jeeeeeez

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Timmy Tosser's picture

My friend Joey works at a movie theater in Hoboken New Jersey sucking farts out seat cushions. Whenever I start to feel that my life sucks I think of Joey.

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