Anatomy of a movie failure

daftcunt's picture

The 355 — Why Hollywood's Female Action Films Flop | Anatomy Of A Failure

I think it is probably a bit more than that:Do audiences really believe that a 50kg operative can just "own fist slap" an 80-90kg peer in a training fight and then pin them to the floor? They possibly could do that with a "normal Joe", fair enough, but not with a training partner.  REGARDLESS of gender.


The women in most action movies are not particular muscular or butch but just tiny "girls next door" with some sort of fighting superpower, which is ok for superhero movies but general fiction. The makers desperately want them to be attractive and at the same time physically strong but that doesn't work now does it. So why do it anyway? I for one like intelligent, attractive women and there are plenty of action movies where a main character does not need to be phyisically overpowering.The other thing is audience identification. Most men can't identify with a female heroe that beats up all the boys and most women probably don't want to. So the movie isn't appetising to neither gender. 


rant over

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