Biggest purveyor of disinformation is the government

sato's picture

Rand Paul SHREDS DHS Secretary Over Ministry Of Truth | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Putting aside who Rand Paul is (as anyone with an iota of intelligence should do since facts don't depend on who is speaking them), it's hard to disagree with him here. We'd still be at war in Iraq if there was a government truth department earlier. Come to think of it Nixon would've been in power for a lot longer since the white house claimed the Watergate story was a hoax for a good year before a second source came forward, and Bernstein and Woodward could possibly have been jailed for spreading what was officially deemed to be disinformation.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

paul speaketh the truth when it suits him, other than that he is a religious nutter like his father. Politicians all do this to a certain extent of course but especially in the US the right wingers spread a lot more misinformation than those from the left.

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danman's picture

what passes as a "left" in US is just as full of shit as the "right". Have you forgotten RussiaGate already? How about the invasion of Libya under the "responsibility to protect" horseshit. Obama sent forces into Syria chasing his own assets & they're still there. etc. Both are shit, red & blue, they both work for the same assholes. As far as politicians & media goes at least. In terms of people it's probably also a coin flip but seems the majority who are into politics are deluded. Just eat popcorn & watch them tear into each other. *shrug*

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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Benign Individual's picture

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