BoardWalk Empire: Another Day At The Office


PizzaBoi's picture

Great series, though I stopped around late season 3/early 4. They just killed off too many characters I liked. Is it worth it to finish the series?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Yes and no. I'm glad it's over in a bittersweet kind of way.

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Maxpower's picture

I wish they wouldn't have screwed us out of the season that was supposed to show the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre. Otherwise, I thought it was a solid series, and they ended it well.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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They killed Jimmy too soon and the show felt a bit empty without him.


I was also hoping that Richard and Van Alden would have teamed up and spread some chaos.


 Speaking of Van Alden. That character had so much potential in so many ways and he turned out less than the sum of his parts. One of my biggest disappointments.


 Richard died in failure. WTF!?


 Jillian got exactly what she deserved.


 Killing Nucky was a historical inaccuracy. In real life Enoch Johnson lived a long and fruitful life with his ill gotten gains.


 Agent Knox was killed too soon, with no suitable agent character to replace him.


 Enforcer Jack Diamond was mentioned ONCE in name, but never made an appearance. Disappointing.


 In short, an amazing show EVEN STILL. But the writers made alot of bad decisions that hurt it's own greatness.



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