Game of Thrones theme Queen's guards


theblackswordsman's picture
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Am I the only person that thinks a military establishment should not be influenced by a t.v. show?

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Grothesk's picture

It wasn't lost on me that one of the largest imperial empires in the history of the world was playing a theme song to a show all about fantasy imperialism.  But at the end of the day it's just a song.  I think they should cover "Heresy" by Nine Inch Nails next.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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 As much as I love both of those songs, the point I am trying to make is that if you go to all the trouble of training troops to withhold certain impulses and emotions, and then allow public displays that cater to pop culture it shows a weakening of discipline from the command all the way down.


 Sure troops love to unwind in all kinds of ways. But, this is much more appropriate off duty and out of uniform.


 Especially the Queen's Guard.



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