Meanwhile in North Korea

Pantysoaker's picture

DPRK Dance Video

in a nutshell

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

everyone was bang on with the timing..fear is a great motivator..

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Grothesk's picture

Agreed.  I would rather see this video without all the war stuff edited in because that dance routine was pretty fuckin' sick.

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eh's picture

Immediately launch 20 tactical nukes pinpointing the North Korean military and leadership with a following 10 to wipe out any counterattack.......or just wait until that fat fuck launches hydrogen bombs on U.S. cities. Millions are going to die regardless of what choice is made and it really comes down to the fact that the fat doughboy wants it. The U.S. is never invading North Korea, it's just the lie he tells to keep absolute power. Terrible choice.

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