Upcoming Games - Like Tomb Raider


Pdub's picture

There is nothing in Tomb Raider, yet.  It's just foliage and rocks and a character model. 

Spine looks like a takedown simulator.

I'm interested in Perfect Dark.  I hope they don't blow it.

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n0val33t's picture
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I don't know a new trend has started.... dunking unfinished unplayable games on buyers expecting them to have tech like Nvidia dlss etc. Out-of-the-box games with a 4900gtx running at 20 fps on normal settings. I don't buy new games unless they run like butter. I bought Cyberpunk cause I felt like I owed them money after The Witcher... the only exception from the rule. 

Although Perfect Dark looks sick af, I'm not getting my hopes up. I've learned to lower my expectations to zilch to avoid disappointment. Remember what they did with the syndicate IP.... no one does... I played it, but I literally can't remember shit!

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