The Rings of Power - Title Announcement


theblackswordsman's picture
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I wonder if they will go into Morgoth's era.


(doesn't seem so at the moment.) Looks like the Numenor era.


However if they did, The stories of Turin and Beren are a must.


Best parts of the Silmerillion, rivalling the stories of lord of the rings itself.

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skeptoid's picture

Agree. When I first talked about Turin with you - triggered by your Spiked name - years ago you indicated you weren't as familiar with LOTR lore as you were stuff like 40K. Can you read those stories - have you read the more expanded versions (earlier drafts) in "Unfinished tales" and "Tales from Middle Earth"? He wrote several different versions - his son picked the one he liked best and put it in the Silmarillion.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I finished silmerillion Earlier this month, I'm in the middle of unfinished tales.


Some of it expands on some neat stories. Some of it is a bit of a slog, meant for hardcore fans that need to perv every detail of the universe.


I find myself tuning in and out during some parts, like when he describes rivers and landscapes etc.


Turin is kind of like Guts, but more rooted in reality. Clearly he doesn't swing a 450 Pound sword, and his morale is a bit more vulnerable when fighting things like dragons, which would be more of a high medium threat comparitively speaking.


Still a story I enjoyed, but very long as I finished that part in a day.

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stokkebye's picture

Heard they were injecting woke garbage, like every other movie/ tv show nowadays.  

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jdt73's picture

Well the Orcs must be gay right?

I mean do you ever see any Orcesses?

And the Elves, well most of them are Incels for sure.

Dwarfs are most likely transgender as you cant tell the difference between the males and females most of the time.

This is going to be awesome!

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stokkebye's picture

Hey, it made Star Wars and Ghostbusters AWESOME! Right?

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skeptoid's picture

Orcs do not reproduce sexually - they are grown. They are a representation of genetic transhumanism mixed with the nihilism of hegelianism. They do engage is sadistic sexually-oriented assaults, etc., on their victims which they refer to as "Sport".

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danman's picture

orcs fuck

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