(Edit 20Feb2023).
Come on lads and ladies. Leave your weekly image gallery submissions below. Thanks always!
(Edit 20Dec22)
Make your tribute below! Remember, like all good things, even with the gallery it's use it or lose it. Thanks all.
Upcoming 23Dec22, Themed *Special Holiday Edition*
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
couple examples of culture/politics image gallery contributions done right here, bobbob (transgender & musk ones) - they're neutral but still funny...they're just piss takes/funny spins on common narratives rather than preaching any bullshit
(Site Administrator)
Ok. Great. Maybe suck a little harder and you can tell us what Nakey had for breakfast.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Thanks for helping out the dumb like me!

(Site Administrator)
Lol. Your image above already made it in to the gallery this last week. Send some more.
(Old Spike)

(Site Administrator)
Thanks for these. The new gallery is up!
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
That's good! Why didn't you click the 2-mountains thingy and paste the URL there for everyone to see?
(Site Administrator)
yo you know about this right?
(Site Administrator)
No I didn't. Tres tres cool.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Have a curry and ride on the front of the atv, pants-down, while night-hunting rabbits!.. How is it possible this doesn't come as standard equipment?!
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Thanks Pdub!
(Site Administrator)
okey dokey
still can't believe this guy's australian sometimes.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks Nakey!
.... probably the most exciting thing to happen to Toronto in a while.
(Site Administrator)
other than this?
btw you know discord is a magical place for images right?
(Site Administrator)
Dude! I'm pretty sure that was animal abuse right there...
Seriously though, Canada geese can be a-holes.
Yep. Discord. Will try to get into it. (Was asking for too many permissions on my phone when I tried so we'll see).
(Site Administrator)
Also.. ;-)
(Site Administrator)
dingo sucked my baby.
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
lols. Mr. Bean doesn't look intimidated (seriously wondering who would win in a joust).
(Site Administrator)
oh, that's not a new idea:
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Lols. Do you really think it can happen though. At most he'll be banned from running again so he'll but Don junior up and back him.
(Old Spike)
I tell you things can go down south rely fast, plus everyone knows him and knows all his cases, the jury the judge, if he is unlucky he could actually go in for years it will pile up, if the he gets sentenced for everything.
I am 99 percent sure he will do time.
And the fact that the secret service is near him all the time is no excuse to keep him out of prison, it won't be
He could get a pardon from another republican president but Trump will not run the coming election, that much is sure.
(Old Spike)
Can we submit gifs, too?
(Site Moderator)
Gif submissions are very welcome at https://www.spikednation.com/forum/sun-2018-12-23-1150/gif-gallery-submissions
(Site Administrator)
Thanks tumbi!
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
okey dokey
(Site Administrator)
wait, wait.
and, my work here is done. time for scotch.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks Nakey!
Anyone else?
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
Ounce per ounce more valuable than Tibetan dick, apparently.
(Site Administrator)
Backdraft is up the next two weeks. Contribute some photos below, all!
Let me get us started..
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
I don't know if I forgot to save the post, or if the post was deleted, but I'll give it one more try.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks Pdub, these are pure gold. Let's assume the captcha thing got away from ya the first time cause most of us wouldn't want to live in a world where someone actually deleted this. ;-)
@Backdraft is up the next two weeks and is welcome to use these in next week's gallery. Cheers.
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
bobbob, you know we're, putting them on discord too?
there's a section.
(Site Administrator)
Link here or it didn't happen.
(Site Administrator)
bah fine, but only cause i like you.
(Site Administrator)
it's a lost cause at this point
(Site Administrator)
How do you figure. Lots of the stuff above is pure gold.
Anything at all you want to add for inclusion (before posting your rating) this week? ;-)
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)

(Old Spike)
Hehe rich ppl dying is funny because they lost it all :)
(Site Administrator)
Not funny. But it was touted as a 'once in a lifetime adventure', so... And Dan's graph above did make air exit the nose forcefully, not gonna lie.
(Site Administrator)
that's a good one. i'm going to txt that shit to my friends.
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
Y'all are remembering to recommend photos for this week's gallery, right?
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
that'll do ya.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
lets see what i've got for you this week.
(Site Administrator)
Dude, you're awesome!
Any others wanting to contribute to this week's gallery?
(Site Administrator)
i've got more if you want it.
(Site Administrator)
For sure! Send a link via email if you want (don't want to spoil the surprise for the rest). Thanks!
(Site Administrator)
i put them on dicsord dude, then link them here :P
(Site Administrator)
Well, time to spool up the old laptop (blows off fine layer of dust that's cumulated). Thanks Nakey ;-)
(Site Administrator)
anything i can do to help mate:)
discord: there's an image gallery channel. click on the image once to enlarge it, then drag that image into the window here.
i'll upload some pictures now.
(Site Administrator)
Make it big and give it a tug. Gotcha.
(Site Administrator)
wait, that ain't right.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
These are freaking awesome. For sure will make it into the next gallery! Thanks Pdub!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Some sucks, i know, but use whatever
(Site Administrator)
Dude! They're awesome!
Thank you.
(Old Spike)
Found Flynn the other day. Sigmund Flynn.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Baaaaaaaaaad kitty!
(Old Spike)
The dude went off to spankwire
(Old Spike)
Dude abides Camo
(Old Spike)
Trump can not legally own a firearm, yet he is presented a gift. Look at the handle.
Only child cleaning out moms old stuff-
(Old Spike)
More submissions!
(Old Spike)
I hope you still check this thread.
(Site Administrator)
Hey Pdub. I totally check this thread for submissions, thanks!
Just curious. It wasn't possible to just add the images directly to the comment?
(Old Spike)
I thought they would show up as links.
(Site Administrator)
Ha! You and Backdraft, working hard so the rest of us understand that frogs are sexy! (If you saw last week's gallery). We'll make sure these get posted-thanks!
(Old Spike)
Femur of a Triceratops, Female chicken wing, Femur of Giant African Elephant
Water-Ice on Mars
(Old Spike)
Never go full Kitteh
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
lol. that is from the movie "Er ist wieder da", fucking hillarious!
(Site Administrator)
Thanks for posting the other day. Watched the first 10mins/hope to see more.
(Old Spike)
Lan party 2003
Menendez bros photographed at the Knicks game sitting front row in the background after killing their parents.
Happy grinch
(Old Spike)
Street art in Philly
The only one participating gets a gold medal everytime.
(Site Administrator)
dammit Pdub you beat me to it on a few of these. You've got excellent taste. They're going in.
(Site Administrator)
Hey guys!
Where are we with those darn suggested images, eh? I want MORE, COME ON. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Just add to comments below.
Please and Thank you, always.
(Site Administrator)
i got you!
(Site Administrator)
Nakey you absolute stud!
(Site Administrator)
sum'btch links done broke dude! Can't use em (and they were good!)
(Site Administrator)
But the images are still here.
(Site Administrator)
Moved maybe? They still show as broken links above. In the interim I'm spreading the nasty rumor that 'Nakey's images are too beautiful to live'.
(Site Administrator)
ah, you're correct. interesting.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Pervert ghosts made me chuckle. Thanks Pdub!
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Or moved, sure.
(Old Spike)
Spotted at an antique store
aww shit
paris olympics
caught the same fish a month and a half later
Depression fighting mask
lets go
i want to go back
(Site Administrator)
Will definitely use. Thanks!
(Old Spike)
Statue of Elon being towed by Cybertruck
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Colorized photo of the moment king tut's tomb was discovered
(Site Administrator)
The painting is nice enough I guess, but black light in the bathroom? Classy. No, seriously, how are clients supposed to shoot heroin if they can't find a vain?
Great photos though. Will definitely add to next gallery - thanks!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
AI is the future
Donald Trump Storm
(Old Spike)
Horoscope from the 70s
bar sign in japan
Leslie Nielsen's grave
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
Argentina World Cup celebrations 2022
Looks like he gave you up.
(Site Administrator)
Pure freaking gold, Pdub. Will definitely include-thx.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
This is fucking hilarious on so many levels!
And apparently happens more often than one would think (I bet the donald would have an account if ivanka was on there):
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Ok fellow jammy bastards - we're a few hours away from posting the Holiday Special 'weekly' Gallery. Any other last-minute submissions? Cheers. And Happy 2025, Everyone!
(Site Administrator)
yeah i got one or two:
yes i bought one.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Lol. Looks like we missed each other Nakey and daftcunt. Too much edge on that last one. Leaves me asking what I never thought I would...'where the baby Jesus penus?'. (Will add when next behind the PC). Cheers!