Freedom Convoy 2022

stokkebye's picture

Why Canadian Media Isn't Talking About Freedom Convoy 2022! Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT

Toronto Star

Truckers are flirting with extremists. They should call off their protest

‘The closer the “freedom convoy” of truckers opposed to new rules around vaccine mandates gets to Ottawa, the less it has to do with truckers or even with those rules.’

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danman's picture

our sloppy-ass governments rely on draconian measures in place of competence.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Bobbob's picture
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So this viva guy is a Kremlin commie plant. Was wondering what his angle was. I'm not sure what his rant is about but I've seen the trucking convoy portrayed more or less accurately on the CBC news (just last night) as now being heavily infiltrated by anarchists who may be keen for a repeat of US Jan6'21 capital riot.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Lol, good one.

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skeptoid's picture

Do you think he might be serious? What an incredible transformation with this guy over just a span of a couple months eh? I still think this is someone's sock account.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Afraid of Putin, Russian TV, a Virus, truckers, arachists, a convoy protest, jan 6, a fringe minority of your own citizens that won't take the gene therapy despite being protected and Viva Frei.


I can understand being concerned about a couple of those things. But seriously being afraid of all of that? Sounds miserable. 


It's no secret that I have some of the most grim dark projections for the future but that paragraph takes the cake.

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skeptoid's picture

Anyway, how could Viva be a Putin spy if he's giving a shout out to boomshackalacka at 1:04 in the video above? Does that mean MonkeyMania is a Putin spy (sticking with Bobbob-quality thinking). Wait a minute - how many of you AREN'T Putin spies? Are you all Putin spies and this is a Truman Show type situation for me and me alone (Bobbob-style thinking quickly deteriorates into madness). You're all against me - take the vaccine damn you! I'll make you take it - someone hold me down please - end this misery! 


There's a chance the convoy will be going right by my house. I hope so.

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Bobbob's picture
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Which paragraph,..yours or mine..I mean, projection much? lols. I think you might be reading into it a little, beside the fact that veeva's videos are getting increasingly weird I mean (I can see why you're drawn to them). Maybe read that again, in a nice calm voice,.. after you've had your nap, and taken your meds.


Dial into RDI (french CBC) for a less politicised representation of the news. Watching now. Tonight day1, convoy looks like a tailgating party.

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skeptoid's picture

I only catch Viva when I see his vids here. Sometimes one of his vids will show in the suggested feed but I usually don't bother with it. The only thing that all of the sources I frequent share in common is that they are not in "The Cult". You're full of shit, and I think we all know that. You throw around words like "extremist" as though on cue from Trudeau. People who don't want to take an experimental gene therapy which everyone on all sides now acknowledges cannot end a respiratory pandemic are your target. But you're rational.


You're watching RDI and based on what you're seeing it looks like a tailgating party. Is that it? You've got nothing else to say except "extremist" and "tailgaiting party" and "Viva's videos are getting weird." Viva hasn't gotten weird - you have or more accurately the portion of society you're chipping away at has. Viva is the same. I'm the same - TBS is the same (and he has some unique ideas - isn't sure the world is round). He was a bit strange before all of this started, as was I, and we haven't changed LOL. You're fun to toy with, but you're a piece of shit that needs to be charged and tried IMO because I don't think you're a victim in all of this. You strike more as a perpetrator.

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Bobbob's picture
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Prt prt prt prt prrrrrrrrrroooot prt.  Just making sure I'm restating your position accurately. Wouldn't want to straw-man or anything. 

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skeptoid's picture



Your fear should be genuine. Once a person commits to the evil of fascism, there's no turning back. You have to go all in 100% and make sure it succeeds because if it fails, well, you know what that means for folks like you, don't you? You should hope the goals aren't achieved - if it fails the sentences will be lighter. If it succeeds, after a brief time I think it will fail anyway and then the sentences will be heavy.


Oh you should be nervous alright. I would be.

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Bobbob's picture
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Again, lots of flatulence. That last one sounded like a shart. So tell you what. When you find a way to convince 41% of the 90% of Canadians who are vaccinated (to add to your only 10% classified as 'vaccine hesitant')..when you're in a position to bring us your mob justice, as we say in the old country, be sure to back that in slowly,. in reverse. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Dude, Ottawa is practically shut down.


CBC is feeding you old traffic cam footage and taking angles that cut in handfuls of people compared to the 100's of thousands on the streets right now lol.


More trucks arrived today than yesterday. And now other countries are starting their own trucking convoy's.


Canada seized it's opportunity and inspired the world, and you're missing it.


Turn off CBC, stop using google.Go check out some real spots. Or show up yourself and have some fun rather than obeying your bedtime.

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Bobbob's picture
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Dude, folks are streaming it live from their phones on YouTube. Right now they're having a music festival. It looks like something out of carnaval de Québec..but in Ottawa. So, always taking into account that health mandates fall under provincial and not federal jurisdiction, enjoy your victory I guess. ;-)

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theblackswordsman's picture
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We are fighting for all of Canada not just us.


The demands are no more masking, no more vax pass, no more censorship, no carbon taxes, and the truckers said they arn't leaving until every condition is met for everyone in Canada.


It looks like a msusic festival because we are using the peaceful, fun and inclusive strategy. Representing proper canadian values.


We don't need to burn and loot like BLM, and if any nonesense magically pops up, it's a guaranteed false flag, everyone is now on the look out for trouble makers since the swastika stunt from the black bloc yesterday.

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Bobbob's picture
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Well thanks for correcting our ignorance. That's quite the list of well-defined goals right there. I'm so embarrassed. From the outside looking in it just looks like, tonight at least, it's degenerated into a pot party.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What I consider embarassing is the prime sinister is running from a bunch pot smokers and co2 emissions lol.


We are trying to leave no excuse for the authorities to bust it up. We are trying to show that we support the police that protect our liberties. They came out in many numbers today, but no acts of aggression, which is A OK.


I actually feel bad that they are being forced to stand out in the freezing cold. I'm sure they don't want to. We don't want them to. But, they have to decide for themselves what they want to do.

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stokkebye's picture

Its fucking cold as fuck up there atm. Im sure they are doing fine though. Comradery warms the heart!

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Bobbob's picture
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along with a doobie, am I right?  ;-)

where are they now? last I heard they were disbanding and heading off to the various provincial capitols to continue the fight. or getting back to work/life/societal obligations.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Still there and strong bud lol.


Gov closed the bridges to prevent joiners, so instead they are moving in big groups and smoking cities across the country lol.


Big border lock too.


Australia is doing their own rally, America is organizing one, Netherlands too.

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stokkebye's picture

Where in the USA? Im not on social media.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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They are organizing a crusade in California, and going to pushing D.C.


Quebec has now lifted the unvaxxed tax.


Gov will withdraw one card at a time one province at a time, while hopelessly trying to divide the population against each other with every statement.


The only messaging you will ever hear from the prime minster is 1. Slander. 2. Division, 3. Instructions, 4. Self serving statements, 5. Saviour speaking claiming to be there for Canadians that oppose the protest.


But once the food runs out we'll offer them food in exchange for picking up a sign and protesting with us. I guess I should clarify, That's what I would do. I think they'll give food to anyone that needs it anyway. All the food there is free. I haven't taken any, I want it all for the drivers. Local churches are also offering food to anyone in need every day.


Only the slaves will take food from the gov trucks when they attempt to pose as the saviours.


The mayor tried to call tow trucks to remove the trucks. But all the drivers have Covid.

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Bobbob's picture
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TBS. Tell me about the border lock please. I made the mistake the other day of saying the issue was provincial (and don't get me wrong, 9 of the 10 things listed on the event manifesto are) but the truck issue is about Canada to US and US to Canada trucking - which is indeed Federal. As a dual citizen, do you see the US side backing down on the issue. Remember that 'crazy uncle Joe' started talking closing the border to trucking first, and Canada's move was retaliatory (though brought to vote and passed 1-2 weeks sooner). Any plan or timelines for both sides to back down? / Genuinely curious.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The Canadian truckers arn't moving until Canada across all provinces have 2019 levels of liberty. 


Vaccine passport system completely removed from society. Masking completely optional, censorship Stopped, vaccination 100% optional with no societal penalties for those that don't take it, carbon taxes are removed.


If I had any say I would also demand the destruction of the digital ID system, and charter protections for physical cash. (Those are the roots of the problem.) Those are the new levels of life restriction coming next.


If government refuses, we starve. That is our honest timeline.


The truckers at the border said the only way they are moving is the demands are met, or the trucks are forcefully ripped off the road and drivers are arrested. Which means no food anyway.


The timeline is up to government to stop dragging their feet.


So far the Liberal, NDP, and bloc parties are demonstrating that they care more about their power than the citizen supply.


That is why the prime sinister will only attempt to increase division among the citizens and blame us, rather than just say "Ok, I give up, do what you want."


I'm not gonna lie, things might get nasty, but at least everyone will have the proof about how much they wanted this system really to enslave you.


If they would rather you starve than give it up, then this was never about your health. That was only a smoke screen like I said.


We all may have had our share of disagreements, and I never wanted to be right. I take no pleasure in that. But we need to come together as a people. There are tough times ahead and we need to cooperate to make it through on every level.

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Bobbob's picture
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Though I can't see myself agreeing with a lot of what you said above; case in point, tonight it seems conservative party leader Peter O'Toole was the first casualty, politically speaking, I know with absolute certainty that people should at least be open to the idea that across all issues, reality usually lies somewhere in between. This is not me saying vaccines only partially kill people please. So I'm hoping you're taking this in the spirit it's meant. Cheers and beau courage. But let me know if you hear more about the US side of the trucking dispute since you seam to have an ear to the ground (or near ground level) with the Ottawa protest. If things open up, this will need to come from both sides, obviously.

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Bobbob's picture
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This period of Canadian history has made for good meme material though. I saw one where the Ottawa chief of police is asking Canadians to please stop calling 911 asking if Justin has been located. 

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sal9000's picture
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drum circle


its got a wikipedia page


check out a clip of the guy whos probably going to be the leader of the pc. its from 2020, about the natives that setup a blockade about the pipeline. the interview he did last week. although very brief, was very different


you should check out alberta, its a bit spicy


this weekend could be interesting if counter-protesters show up

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Oh yes, the meme wars shall rise again. This is only the beginning.


Just imagine the torrent coming in 2024.


The police chief has our back. He has issued a press statement claiming zero injuries, zero acts of violence, zero incidents. He acknowledged that this had the potential to be a poweder keg and everything was peaceful and orderly.


The border blockade isn't so bad on us. We have the means to be self sufficient. It's the combo of all the trucks off the road AND the border than can choke us.


We can deal with some shortages, but all the trucks off the road is what's putting the screws to gov. And of course there is the honking haha.

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Bobbob's picture
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Ok. Just don't do poops or peeps on people's front lawns, please..which also appears to be a thing.

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stokkebye's picture

Maybe if more people stood up and said something a long fucking time ago then these truckers wouldnt have to be doing this and people wouldnt be getting people shitting on their lawns! Fuck them! They should have done something way before this. I'd shit on their fucking porches if I was there. Its people like you that acted like a good fucking little sheep and did what you were told, you allowed this, you dont get to dictate shit now, now you take the back seat and shut the fuck up!

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Bobbob's picture
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You're only making a strong case for it being folks from your village visiting Ottawa and being responsible for the poops and peeps.

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stokkebye's picture

-Ottawa chief of police is asking Canadians to please stop calling 911 asking if Justin has been located. 

Aww, thats a good one! 

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Bobbob's picture
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You'd probably poop and peep on him if you could.

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sal9000's picture
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gofundme account was shutdown again. guess they had also setup an additional account before that which is also shutdown. 2 accounts asking for money for fuel. winter killed alot of nazis during ww2


thinking of something. kind of smart move to infuse a movement with money if you know the leaders might missuse the money

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sal9000's picture
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theblackswordsman's picture
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Joke's on you. That's one less truck bringing you food. Attacking the trucker won't stock your shelves.

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sal9000's picture
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i'v been making fun of truckers for almost 2 weeks, food still on the shelves

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You think that will last forever?


Even if it does for you, as long you have yours who cares about the rest of the nation.

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stokkebye's picture

Sal is the type that thinks milk comes from stores. He is not capable of critical thinking.

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sal9000's picture
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trump won the election, it was anitfa/blm that stormed the capital, masks don't work, vaccines don't work. america was dissolved with the act of 1871. have you seen the most recent tarot card reading on this? the swasitka was a false flag... dude, you're life up to this point, has been an inside joke for everyone else. we've had logistical problems for the last 2 years. the convoy of hillbilly truckers hasn't made a difference

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Every last thing you just mentioned is fact, I don't know what you're on about.


I think the show of human solidarity and the working class standing up for liberty instead of communism is giving you nosebleeds, just relax and have another cheetoh.

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