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daftcunt's picture

How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now

Mind blowing, never heard of it before!


Can't wait for the conspiracy theorists to embrace that one!

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Combining AI and quantum computers will be some groundbreaking shit.  Imagine computing power that can solve problems in seconds compared to what would take millions of years for current supercomputers. Add some advanced AI and we will have our own "genie in a bottle".....or just plain old terminators to wipe us out.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

If you give life albeit a computer is it not your child? It's your child! Bit like Zevs and Cronos..... us being gargantuan all-consuming entity overcome by quantum trillions on trillions of you have Zevs.... he wants to have fun, so humans..... he makes humans,,,,you ever played sims? =)

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