U Cant B Serious

Pantysoaker's picture

You CAN'T Be Serious


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theblackswordsman's picture
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stokkebye's picture

Propaganda machine is in full swing now! If anyone is shocked then they havent been paying attention. 

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Maxpower's picture

No one from congress was harmed. Some office supplies were stolen, some papers were tossed on the ground. This is supposed to be the equivalent to Pearl Harbor, according to the lying pussies in congress.


Meanwhile, their goons actually murdered a 14-year veteran for daring to walk inside the halls of a building she fought and risked her life to preserve. Why volunteer for the military of a country like this? Why vote in a system that will not allow you an audit to verify its integrity? Why pay taxes to a government that will readily give away millions to Pakistan but only gives you a measly $600 after locking you down for months?


This is no longer a representative government.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

that goon, was a secret service agent and he's guarding the door to the vp, the same vp people that they were chanting about hanging a few minutes earlier.


comparing protests isn't a good thing to do. you want to compare people fighting for racial inequality to people protesting because the person they voted for didnt win.


got a problem with how much money you're getting, thank republicans. got a problem with how much money is going to another country even though that money was promised months and up to years ago, fine. break your financial obligations.

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Maxpower's picture

Yeah, torching a city because some home invader died of a fentanyl overdose is less important than our vote being stolen.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

haven't heard of a city that was burned down over an overdose but it sounds more plausible than your vote being stolen.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Let's have a closer look.
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stokkebye's picture

Its a lot more than just Trump losing. This is a rebuke of the elitist government that hates Trump becuase he is not one of them and exposed their secrets. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's about People that want the Republic to be restored, vs the CORPERATION establishment that fears it's time is ending.


They would rather us tear each other apart than be dethroned = Wicked kings.


That's the reason they subliminally and overtly poisoned the Presidents image from day 1.


Think about it. Did YOU decide Trump was Fascist. Or did the News decide for you? Did YOU suffer under Trump's Policies, or did the MSM tell you HOW you are suffering under Trumps Policies?


They divided us through benevolent leftism.


Beneovlency is what America was founded on. Then is slowly shifted to regulation and systems creation. The government continued to grow....


Once people started waking up with internet, and discussion. They needed to slowly shift this narrative to leftism for some, but not for others. 


Those of us that saw it, and tried to warn everyone were demonized as conspiracy theorists, alien people, and lunatics.


They told everyone to ignore what we are saying. So it artificially created a cry wolf situation. Genius yet simple I hate to say.


Now that shit has almost hit the fan, our words are impotent.


"They (Fellow Americans) are everything like you, and nothing like you at the same time." (exteme right and left propoganda.) How sickening and impossibly divisive is that?


Representaives declaring this is like pearl harbor is planting the seed of declaring war against the citizens.


Oh yeah? Where is 3000 dead, kamakazi planes aimed at our buildings, and sunk battleships?




Sorry Joey, you or congress or ANYONE does not have the authority to do that. Any bill even mentioned about gun control will only raise the temperature.


The most important part of the 2nd. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. 


He's gonna claim it's for safety, like everything else. Guess what? Even if everyone was butchered that day. The guns will still be here. 


Funny how that never happened though and they jumped all over it IMMEDIATELY.


Quick words not thought carefully, mixed with a plan.


Antifa was funded largely by sorros for these plans.


Notice how their gear upgrades massively every protest. 


Now they planted a truck full of bombs to be discovered. 


Do NOT participate in the activism.


But guns are cold deads hands material. Gather your community, and make plans about how the community WITH THEIR GUNS IN HAND will adress the gun trucks rolling through when it happens. You need an uncompromising emissary, and tactical positions set on stand by. 


DO NOT ADRESS THEM DEFENSELESS. But they are the ones to cross the line FIRST.


When you see or hear about the first one. Tell the governor they are declaring war by doing this, and warn as many communities as you can.


Like Paul Revere

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what secrets have been exposed?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Division is the disease.

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