Bret Weinstein - The next Galileo?

sal9000's picture

Bret Weinstein - The next Galileo?

Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 3:40 – Is Bret Weinstein Anti-Vax? 9:40 – Bret discovers Ivermectin 14:20 – Crap Study 1: The Africa Study 17:10 – Crap Study 2: The Elgazzar Study/The Kory Analysis 25:55 – Crap Study 3: More studies/conclusion 30:05 – It’s a conspiracy! 35:30 – Are Bret & friends really scientists? 45:30 – Is Bret a criminal?


i thought the video was well done, i'd give it 4 out of 5 hegels

Average: 4.5 (6 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Do you think all of this guy's 1.5K subscribers are "friends" and family? You really have to scrape the bottom to find even attempts to discredit Bret, don't you? That's why the content is so retarded - you have to be stupid to try.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you know that peterson's daughter has 400k suscribers but a good portion of her videos get 20k or less views meanwhile this guys getting more views than his suscribers. at this point i think the bogdanoff brothers are more credible scientists than the weinsteins and they look like this

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skeptoid's picture

^ Doesn't understand what he just pointed out. 


LOL Or do you? 


The channel is very impressive. I especially like this one, which has JPB in the title and topped out at 2000 views:



It's always the same pattern with you "folk". You don't know what you're doing - do you have any idea how diastrous a society run by people like you would be? No, because you don't know what you're doing and have been programmed to avoid working towards competence, to cheat and cut corners, and lie your way through life so the prospect of an awakening appears unlikely. 

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