Bots have been slowing down our site & I'm doing what I can to block only the bots, but if your IP address gets blocked by accident, send your username & IP address to spikednation@merlock.com & I'll unblock your IP address.
Please be sure to flag as spam any comments which are obviously spam. It will help big time!
Thank you!
(Old Spike)
what would happen if you were to remove the link to creating a new account?
(Site Moderator)
It would stop some of the bots, but I'm trying to avoid that if possible.
(Old Spike)
what if you move it around all the time?
I think it is Dan or Skeptoid that created these attacks.
Soon as dan left it started.
I could be wrong.
We could also dosattack the links they post here :)
(Site Moderator)
It looks like some of the changes I made have reduced new bot signups dramatically, so we don't need to turn off new signups now. I don't think it's anybody we know; I believe the ease of access to more sophisticated A.I. tools in the hands of bad actors is the primary reason for the increase in bots getting through our defenses. By the way, it will help dramatically if everyone could mark all obvious spam comments as spam.
(Old Spike)
you mind looking into something? got a message when trying to post a video with four videos embedded in the description
"Your video submission has been queued for moderation by site administrators and will be published after approval."
thought it was a fluke, so it tried to post it again, same issues, it's visible on the page but inaccessible. i'm guessing its the anti-bot thing. you don't have to change anything, just wondering what the magic number is. 1 embedded vid is ok but 4 is a no go
(Site Administrator)
it's like they're trolling us or something.
(Old Spike)
Like i said, i think it is dan
He left and then it started
And i don't believe in coincidence
My first instinct told me it was danman
and yes he is petty like that.
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that is like leaving a fingerprint on purpose at a crime scene
Google throws up nothing if i search for these texts elsewhere so they are unique does he type it out by hand?