DB Super Getting Crazy


wtd's picture

ok what is it and how do i watch the whole thing

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

its dragon ball super, its from episode 99(last sat). to watch it you can visit www.dragonballtime.to clicked subbed at the top and get to work. it plays live on saturday 8pm eastern on the same site.

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beer420's picture

I thought they only planned on 100 episodes but I guess they approved more cuz there's no way this shit is ending with the next episode....unless....well...I won't spoil nothin

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GloomStick's picture


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napalm4sd's picture

Fun extension to the series that isn't the fake GT. 

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username's picture

Looks like total shit...not joking.  All the anime is just computer renedered spunk these days, and it also sounds like 90% of the other CHILDREN'S shows in Japan these days....yes....all you 30-somethings watching this, this is a show for elementary school students.  My 9-year-old loves it.

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beer420's picture

How long ago did your inner child die? Did you choke him to death yourself or did your parents do it? Is there anything from your own childhood you still hold dear?

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username's picture


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

when you try to insult everyone and you end up just fucking yourself.

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username's picture

shit is shit....old shit, dumb shit, young shit....no matter the name, it's still the same old shit.  Praising shit doesn't change the fact that it's shit, it just lowers the standard for everything else so that, in the end, all you're left with is just a big old steaming, stinking pile of putrid, festering, fly-infested shit

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