Didn't See THAT Coming


Hopium's picture

so can you put rope up like that on a trail if its your own property or is it still considered a mantrap and illegal?

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eh's picture

Probably not a big deal. You could use some excuse if it was your property like you were trying to block an access or something. A punji pit or tiger trap might not fly though.



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Fullauto223cal's picture

I have no clue what you talking about detective.  I don't even know what "punji pit" is or how one might construct such a device.  BTW, did the victim happen to notice the "NO TRESPASSING SIGN"?  Good, perhaps next time he won't ignore it.

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Forhekset's picture

Awwww... Its gone. :(

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eh's picture

WOW-found the same video and replaced! Thanks.

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