Below is 6-year-old Kameron Prescott. He was shot in his own home by police outside of San Antonio, Texas. Officers outside of the home shot at an unarmed piece of shit woman named Amanda Jones who was threatening the people inside the home...but it turns out she wouldn't really be the one killing anyone as both the deviant woman and this 6-year-old child were shot to death. No gun was found on Jones so these cops were just pussies shooting at an unarmed woman because shooting into a home with children inside really should be the first response these cops have.
It's time to consider having beat cops only having access to tasers and night sticks. It's overwhelmingly obvious that we employ fucking morons for police officers in the United States and while it's certainly not ALL of them, it's enough when a 6-year-old in their own home is shot to death by cops. Sickening.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Here's an idea Mr. Fudd. Why don't you join the force and refuse to carry a firearm as an example of the "right way" to police. Hell, you could even wear the same stupid shit they do in Britian so the bad guys know you're a cop and they should just lay down their weapon and not resist, lest you taze them or hit them with your stick.
(Long Spike)
''It's overwhelmingly obvious that we employ fucking morons for police officers in the United States''
(Old Spike)
So you're quoting Mr. Fudd's claim as evidence that Mr. Fudd's claim is correct? O......K.........
Turns out the joke's on you Brad since I'm not a police officer. HA! HA!
Merely calling someone with whom you disagree a "fucking moron" and then running away like a bitch doesn't put you in the best light, to say the least. Maybe your attention span ran out and you lost interest in the subject, who knows.
''It's overwhelmingly obvious that we employ fucking morons for police officers in the United States''
Let's presuppose this claim is correct. Let's also presuppose that Mr. Fudd isn't young dumb and full of cum and isn't a member of the "fucking moron" class (he is). My suggestion that he join his local police force would, according to his own logic, raise the average intelligence of the force. Would it not?
But you and I know he will never do that. Why join a department and actually risk his life, enacting his glorious ideas when he can easily sit back in his parent's climate controlled home, eating his parent's food, using his parent's electricity, and spout utterly retarded horse shit online about a tragedy involving a child that was caught in the crossfire of a fleeing felon and police. It's not like he has to worry about multiple people informing him that he is spouting utter horse shit because he's doing it on a site where there are plenty of other retards just like him that will white knight for him and make him feel secure that what he is writing isn't utter horse shit.
(Short Spike)
Cops in this country need more training, period. They need training in social programs, Psychiatry, suicide prevention, and the list goes on and on. The simple fact of the matter is that police in this country do not get properly evaluated before becoming an officer to see if they are actually qualified to deal with tense, traumatic, and possibly life threatening situations. They dont have the experience or training in lieu of experience. They are egotistical morons with no fucking clue what they are doing. Most european countires require a 2 year degree in civil justice and policing, and then 6-12 months of mentored OJT. Thats 3 years of training and experience before they are ever left to their own devices. In the US its 4-6 months and here ya go, heres a gun and authority to do whatever you want. It's a recipe for disaster as we clearly see here.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Why don't you give them a call Mr. Fudd and tell them what they're doing wrong. I'm sure they would love to get policy advice from you Mr. Fudd as you are obviously an expert in firearm and user of force policy based on your many Quail hunts with your shotgun.
(Long Spike)
Everyone who lives in a trailer park deserves to be shot. Police saved people the trouble of a rapist, mudering, bank robber etc 15 years from now
(Short Spike)
@grothesk "It's time to consider having beat cops only having access to tasers and night sticks." lol kys fag. That's never going to happen. You're too emotional to suggest a solution. You could move to Europe and have Muhammad rape your family.
(Long Spike)
"kys fag" in response to a child getting gunned down by police while they gun down an unarmed woman.
Trump voter CONFIRMED.
(Short Spike)
@grothesk I didn't vote in this election, but if I did I would have voted Hillary to block Trump. I don't like either of them, but at least Trump put a stop to the CIA funding of ISIS. I would bet crooked Hilldawg would have kept it going, leaving Syria off a lot worse than it is now.
(Long Spike)
Considering that she would listen to SJWs perhaps she might address our military grade police state that we're in where 6-year-olds should definitely feel afraid of the police who are shouting outside their door.
(Long Spike)
Which is the greater threat?
Getting gunned down by police or getting gunned down in a mass shooting?