How-to Dull White Paint Shine


Trevicahn's picture

Spiked needs 100% more of this, and waaay less of random people's Vblogs on their political opinions.... 

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nsmo's picture

Omg this is so dull bro, where are the spooky ayy lmao! aliens and polarizing political opinions. carrot/pineapple

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Grothesk's picture

Is that supposed to be sarcasm?  Didn't you JUST post a video from a year ago of two dudes debating who would be better to be President, Hillary or Trump?  How about you try to be part of the solution and not the problem, friend.

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nsmo's picture

It was to trigger you. Mission Accomplished

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, guys!  We GOT Grothesk! 


Guys?  We did it!  Yeah!  Guys?

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nsmo's picture

@grothesk it's just me baby, you're not that important.

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