A Horus heresy fan film (well, a trailer for it at least)
It would be nice if GamesWorkshop actually backed guys like this instead of hiring out to companies who don't know/love the lore/franchise
(2 votes)
A Horus heresy fan film (well, a trailer for it at least)
It would be nice if GamesWorkshop actually backed guys like this instead of hiring out to companies who don't know/love the lore/franchise
(Short Spike)
I don't trust GW to handle GW. But I'm pretty sure kickstarter would massively overfund a project in record time. I hate GW but even I would kick in some money. I'd want to see it done with a bit of taste though. While this was cool, a movie is a bit different than a video game cinematic which is what this delivers emotionally. I think it would be difficult to write a script with Space Marines at the center, told from their point of view, that would be honest to the lore but still accessible to the public.