CoD Beef Turns Murderous

skeptoid's picture


Typical sentence for the crime of a false report is fines and maybe a few years in prison. But now someone has died, and over a CoD beef of all things. 


I'd post an MSM news video about it below as well, but can't find one.

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skeptoid's picture

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UltimateX's picture
Grothesk's picture

I saw this story in my Facebook feed, but I think that's because it recognizes me as a "gamer".  

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Pulpgimp1's picture

When I lose a game of videos I just congratulate the winner and try to figure out how to beat them in the next match.

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Grothesk's picture

There aren't any chicks here who are going to blow you because of your lies.  I'm sure you angrily throw the plastic cups around you and shakily hold a loaded gun to your head like the rest of us.

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skeptoid's picture

Plus in this case the dude he was targeting, by proxy, was a team member that had blamed him for losing a match. 

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sato's picture

wait, why the fuck are cops allowed to fire before being fired upon? you've got an entire team heavily armed, calm the fuck down.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

I'm pretty sure most kids(and adults) who do swatting are fully aware of the potential ramifications. They know full well how fubar the American police force are and know there's a very high chance of actually getting someone that has 'offended' them killed or atleast someone close to them killed.


What to do when someone has reported a potential hostage/murder situation? Investigate it. Don't go guns blazing into the potential crime area. Pretty simple no? Runs the risk of getting more innocents killed by the hostage taker or similar as police are checking to make sure it wasn't a prank call but that's currently the only way to make sure you aren't enabling swatters.


The only proper response to swatting should be to prosecute the swatters to the full extent of the law and change the swat procedures so that they can't be pranked into killing innocents anymore. Because policeforces that can be pranked into using lethal force aren't a police force anymore. They're just a lynch mob.

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UltimateX's picture

Not sure why you would put your hands down when a shit load of cops are point guns at you.  I bet he was pretty bad at simon says.

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bronobo's picture

I think we need to wait for body cam or dash came footage to be released to see what exactly made the cop decide to fire off 1 round. Since it was only 1 cop that shot, and was only 1 round fired, I think there's a chance that this cop messed up.

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sato's picture

yeah wondered that too, but have seen similar vids where there are a shit load of cops and they're all shouting different things or even the same thing but at different times so it's impossible to make anything out. maybe he was sort of in shock and defaulted to reaching for his wallet to show id? in any case, a police officer who fires before being fired at should be tried for murder. they're there to protect the public, not take down enemy combatants.

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Grothesk's picture

I was under the impression that SWAT teams were "highly trained".  This seems like a pretty massive fuck up.  Agents of of the government literally killed an unarmed man who did nothing wrong and already I'm seeing the Right come out with their apologetics.

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sato's picture

i read a while back that where they used to be trained at state-run police academies, they're now trained by army trainers provided free of cost thru homeland security. the change in tactics certainly reflects that different mindset they're receiving.

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skeptoid's picture

They are not highly trained. Remember that ex-military dude that was on JRE? He spilled the beans on the reality of poor police paramilitary training. I;m too drunk to find the clip right now.l

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