The diversity in Toronto, Canada added to the flavor one might encounter in a pizza parlor. Add guns and it should be Pay Per View must-watch entertainment.
This is a great show of every race and gender going house.
(11 votes)
The diversity in Toronto, Canada added to the flavor one might encounter in a pizza parlor. Add guns and it should be Pay Per View must-watch entertainment.
This is a great show of every race and gender going house.
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
Canada is fucked. We let in so many immigrants and Toronto is now basically a warzone. Races can't mix, Kdogg - I mean donkey punch - I mean occulicity - I mean eh proved that with all his posts here. Toronto is the most violent city in Canada, and it's all due to blacks and browns.
(Long Spike)
the close up of the dude at 2:40 was pure gold ...... rewatch at 2x speed for extra funny
(Old Spike)
Races can mix, it just depends on which races you're talking about.
(Short Spike)
I don't think there's a significant difference between the races. Wouldn't bone density and body fat ratio be more important?

(Old Spike)
A big LOL at the asian chick being completely unfased about it all.