The Problem With Men and Women Today

theblackswordsman's picture

Weak ass men and pathetic women

I forgot to add a description!

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

A typical case of a closet faggot projecting their insecurities on the world

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I wonder why you feel triggered and I feel inspired.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Not sure if that was meant for me, but I kinda explained it in the first comment. 

He looks like a gay man with a huge ego explaining about masculinity. I don't find anything inspiring about that.



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InsertCoin's picture

99% of the guys I know that are tatted up like this bro are emo little bitches.  He seems like one of them.  $20 says the women in his life, like the two walking around in the background, just go "uh huh" and tune him out.  He's got a point, men are better at being men than women.  But guaranteed he's an emo little bitch with anger issues. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I hope you're not a gambling man. In all seriousness, look him up. I don't expect him to change your world view. I actually expect him to cement it.


The best part is, You can give people the real nuggets of gold in life, and they will believe it's false anyway.


Which only compounds the success of those that see the truth for what it is.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

nice huge ass picture of yourself on your wall bro .

please tell me more about how you feel about men and women .

Image result for sigmund freud
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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes


this guys funny , owns a gym so he can harrass women lol

reviws are funny

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Grothesk's picture

Blackswordsman...what is this junk?  It starts out with a guy with face tattoos reading his own Facebook post to us about blanket statements about gender stereotypes?  This was extremely cringey to watch.  

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skeptoid's picture

I haven't watched it yet, but by the time I do this entire discussion will likely be gone forever. Word!

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skeptoid's picture

Guy with nail polish who appears to overcompensate on every level telling me about masculine energy. 


Get your comment in quickly - only two more votes and your ability to briefly sound off on this terrible video will be gone forever!

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