Capitalism isn't Cool

skeptoid's picture

Capitalism Isn't Cool.

Psyche! Demonetized socialism video below:

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skeptoid's picture
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thrasymacus's picture

How about any '~ism" isn't cool.  As in, single grand unifying theories (appealing for their simplicity) are always wrong.  Why? Because reality isn't simple.  When you try and reconstruct reality so it makes sense in whatever myopic little prism you choose to view it in, rather than reevaluating the prism itself, you're going to lose.  That's precisely the problem that all these video's you post about the gender equality SJW's keeps bringing up.  They try to force reality to accept the grand unifying theory that 'da patriarchy' is the root of all problems and come off as looking ridiculous.  And so when people espouse any '~ism' as being the solution to ALL the problems while neglecting the flaws inherent in it (you just need MORE of it!) just seems facile to me. 

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Capitalism and free society aren't synonyms you silly goose. The free-est societies tend to be socialist-capitalist mixes. The only nation that is 'wholly' capitalistic is America and even they have many, many socialist systems. Public schools and infrastructure to start with.


Totalitarian socialism is different from decentralized socialism. You can also separate the political from the social. There's no need to assume socialism or capitalism as your political ideology and still insist on public schools, healthcare and decent worker rights. You'd still be a socialist sure but we're not talking of oversimplified childrensbook versions of ideologies that are supposed to make sure we humans have everything we need.


That's the 5 cents I've go today for capitalism and other childrens stuff for today.

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PizzaBoi's picture

In terms of pure economics, pretty sure the most capitalistic society today is, ironically, China.

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danmanjones's picture

Capitalism is worse for the planet than socialism

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