A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a payment of $130,000 to a former adult film actress in October 2016, according to a new report from The Wall Street Journal citing sources familiar with the matter.
Michael Cohen, a longtime representative of the Trump Organization, reportedly negotiated a nondisclosure agreement with a lawyer for the woman, Stephanie Clifford, over an encounter that allegedly occurred in 2006. Clifford did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The deal would have been reached around the same time a leaked recording revealed the now-infamous lewd comments Trump made on the set of “Access Hollywood” in 2005.
The alleged consensual sexual encounter between Trump and Clifford is said to have taken place after the pair met at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament in July of that year. Jessica Drake, an adult film actress and director, says Trump grabbed her, kissed her and offered her $10,000 for sex at the same golf tournament.
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
“We had really good banter,” Ms. Clifford said of Mr. Trump. “He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.”
Donny getting all "You're like my daughter" with a cock holster again. This shleezeball is creepy defined.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Sure, Melania was pregnant with their son Barron at the time of the porn star tackle, but Steph is a one night keeper.
*I was kidding. Melania was at home with their 4 month old son Barron when he was disappointing a porn star.
(Old Spike)
More like Lake Taco amirite?
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(Long Spike)
How has nobody upvoted this yet??? Or maybe downvoted to hell and back?
(Long Spike)
I just assumed it had 129 upvotes and 128 downvotes.
(Long Spike)
> Trump paying for sex..
> 130k .. as if a pornstar doesn't have money
> only getting 130k from a billionaire
> Hideous pornstar body vs all Donald Trumps love interests.
He likes his women a certain way, this one doesn't qualify and fake news until I see a tape/check/note or a time and place when they were actually seen together.. also.. correct me if I am wrong, I don't think she is a golfer looking at her porn bio.. why would she be on the green/at the club?
(Short Spike)
Trump supporters Great Leader can do no wrong and all negative story are fake news or in Pic form....
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Yup.More fake news.
(Long Spike)
Just once.. just once.. Can you have some proof, besides a we heard and allegedly. All I have learned from the news and news papers is you can say whatever you want, Racist, Rapist, Murderer, as long as you say allegedly. If she did sign a NDA and then disclosed... 130k wouldn't be enough after the lawsuit of breaking the NDA. Also, it was consensual, if it did happen and why now? why not during the campain? is it because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING HE IS ACCUSED OF IS BULLSHIT AND FALLS APART.
I am a little scared, the more the LEFT cries wolf, the easier it is to drink this koolaid, and when something real does happen, the harder it will be for me to accept it. ~ true statement.
(Long Spike)
Trumptard Nation and the law of Trumpism applies here.
Deny, lie, deflect, redirect, deny, deny, deny, declare fake news, deny, and declare victory.
This country is so fucked with this moron as president but more importantly, until the legion of Trump ball washer suckers wakes up, the country will remain a Trump dumpster.
(Old Spike)
Who is your favorite Republican politician?
(Long Spike)
You don't read responses to your questions? OK, one more try:
I support virtually every Republican politician locally. Nationally, the GOP is lost. I don't support any republicans in the federal government. I don't support ANY politician on the national level. The republican party supporting Trump and Trumptard Nation is just too much. Trump is a pathological liar with a narcissistic personality disorder. I've known all about him for years, well before the majority of dipshits who support him. He fucked over hundreds of small contractors in his real estate empire through bankruptcies, lawsuit threats, and simple refusals to pay them and laughed running casinos into the ground. Oh but he's that great guy who says "You're fired."
Fuck him and fuck all of the dumbfucks who support him. The 1% will make out like bandits with the tax cut (my family and I are cleaning up) but everyone else? F-U-C-K-E-D and when health insurance, medicaid, and medicare are gone and an economic slowdown occurs-ending the flow of milk and honey we are in-THEN even Trumptard Nation will ask the question: What happened? Personally, I'm going to enjoy it but this country won't recover in my lifetime.
(Old Spike)
So you're for GOP defeat at the national level and Goldman Sachs republicanism at the local level? You're here representing the 1% and their dislike of Trump? Are you aware that you didn't actually answer the question?
I'm just going to say this once and then let it go. I don't believe a single word you wrote above. Not one.
(Long Spike)
No, I'm for a defeat of a pathological liar and disaster for this country on the national level-the idiot we have as president. Sorry, I know Trumptards have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that rational republicans easily recognize Trump for what he really is. I didn't answer the question? Oh, you wanted to know about my local rep? I'd say Jim Seward. He's a good republican and he recognizes clearly that Trump is a complete disaster. It doesn't take a genius, I'll admit that.
You don't believe a word I say? WOW! The truth for you is the truth, so............keep lying to yourself.
(Old Spike)
Oh no around here all the Goldman Sachs people get together to offer free hayrides and in the fall the 1 per cent welcome all the children to the pumpkin patch. Over Christmas some of Wall Street's biggest movers and shakers participated in the Santa Claus Parade and the Zionist billionaires of Canada community group was handing out free hot chocolate. Of course I believe you.
(Short Spike)
Dagambit If we did not like you GREAT LEADER supporters would belive it or not ask for more...
(Long Spike)
This literally happened live in front of me with Shitholegate...the story leaked, the WH didn't deny it, Trump then denied it, his supporters said he didn't say it, Trump then said that he DID say it, then he and his supporters both said it didn't matter that he said it. If it didn't matter to them that he said it then why did he deny it? It's a logical circle of buffoonery.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Heh, DaGambit, you said: "I am a little scared, the more the LEFT cries wolf, the easier it is to drink this koolaid, and when something real does happen, the harder it will be for me to accept it."
The liberal media, meaning Fox News, is reporting this is entirely true: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/14/michael-cohen-trumps-lawyer-says-paid-stormy-daniels-130000-out-own-pocket.html
(Old Spike)
Trump is tacky but I don't know why he gets so much hate.
He took on the media, the Clintons & Bushes & came out on top. He hasn't started any wars & he US & Russian military are cooperating more. Surely he deserves a little credit?
He's a twitter troll, no doubt but that's kind of funny. Who cares if Europeans look down their nose at him. They have their own problems with politicians.... letting in millions of refugees into their countries for example. At least Trump doesn't have EU-level empathy for people who aren't citizens of his country. That's actually a good thing.
(Long Spike)
"...letting in millions of refugees into their countries for example."
Remember when that used to be a thing that people actually cared about. I remember some videos people posted here on SpikedNation of angry brown people in ghettos. All that came to absolute squat, didn't it? It was just kind of part of the right wing news cycle for a few months and now people generally refer to it but can never seem to point to a specific event or issue. Essentially it's like say, "man, remember poverty? What a mistake!"
(Old Spike)
You think theh gang raping by brown people has stopped happening in Sweden & Germany because the US right wing news cycle has stopped focussing on it?
I don't get the rest of what you said but it seems kind of dumb for you to talk like that. Talk to Europeans sometime. The U.S. media is not a great place to learn about the world.
(Long Spike)
So.. now that she has released a personal statement that denies all of these stories once she was approached for comment, on Jan10 what does the community think now?
Fake news crying wolf. I am telling you guys, this is the kind of shit that leads to blinders. FACTS - they matter.
(Long Spike)
She's a porn star denying what she said in an interview in 2011. She signed an NDA and is avoiding a lawsuit. Donny was fucking a porn star a few months after Melania dropped Barron. Big deal. The denial is always worse than the act. If it makes you feel better to deny what went on, then keep on doing it. We get it. You must fellate your dear leader.
1/18/2018 In Touch magazine has published a 7-year-old interview with a former porn star in which she goes into salacious details about an alleged extramarital affair with Donald Trump that only last week she claimed never took place. Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, told the magazine in 2011 that the alleged sexual trysts with Trump began in July 2006 after she met him at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nev. The meeting and alleged affair came a year after the future president had married Melania Trump, his third wife. “I actually don’t even remember why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me,’” Daniels said in the 2011 interview that the magazine only recently resurrected. “And then I remember thinking, ‘But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.'”
In a related story, Alana Evans, also an adult film actress and friend of Daniels, told Megyn Kelly of NBC's Today this week that Trump invited her to join him and Daniels for a “party” in his Lake Tahoe hotel room. She said she turned down the invitation but had an idea of what kind of "party" the pair allegedly had in mind.
“If you’re inviting me to a hotel room to hang out with another man and a girlfriend of mine, it’s very easy for you to believe that there’s going to be more going on than just playing cards or Scrabble,” Evans said.
She added that Daniels told her the next morning how the evening had unfolded.
“She says, ‘Well picture this, Donald Trump chasing me around the bedroom in his tighty whities,” Evans told Kelly, “isn’t something that you forget.”
(Old Spike)
"...consensual sexual encounter..."
(Long Spike)
Fine. That goes on everywhere and to be simply honest, I would bang little Miss Stormy in a heartbeat, though right after my son getting pushed out of another trench might make me think about it a little......Stormy's tits might make that brief. It's the denial that looks assinine.
(Old Spike)
I'm not saying I believe the claim. The lady says she has no problem admitting it if it happened and she is still denying it actually happened. If he did, it was a consensual encounter and that's between him and his current wife. As long as he behaves during his 8 years as my President, I could give a fuck.
For the past year the media has been on a non-stop mission to dig up anything they can on him and they keep falling on their fucking faces. I don't think they realize it's having the opposite effect of what they want. Do you remember what happened the Republicans did everything they could to bring down Clinton? It backfired. And this will backfire on the left.
(Long Spike)
You do know it was a well-known and accepted story in 2011 when Daniels admitted to it, right? Her friend admitted to it and said Trump tried to gaff her too. Who cares what she is saying now. So she lied then but is now telling the truth?Her denial now just makes it look like she got paid to sign an NDA. Come on.
The cult of denial is pathetic. Trumptard Nation seriously can't just admit wrongdoing because.........they HAVE to suck off their dear leader? Admitting it instead of playing the denial charade would be something I would respect over "Fake News!" over anything negative. BTW, banging Stormy isn't exactly negative.
(Long Spike)
You know the funniest part of this story to me, is the whopping 130k hush money. LOL...
As if a porn star needs 130k, as if this were real she wouldn't have extorted him for MUCH MUCH more. She makes 130k in 4 hours. just saying.
(Long Spike)
Her 2011 interview about her encounter with Donny has some hilarious shit in it:
It was in the downstairs of the hotel I was in and he was hanging out with Ben Roethlisberger. When I got there, he was already with him. He had Keith, his bodyguard, call me and ask me if I was coming. When I got there, I called Keith and he told me where he was sitting and he brought me over. And he was hanging out with Ben for a long time. A couple other people around, nobody famous. Mostly people trying to hang on to them. Ben had just won the Super Bowl that year. Donald excused himself. He had to leave, I don’t remember why, and he made Ben promise to take care of me. I stayed another 15-20 minutes and Ben Roethlisberger actually walked me up to my room that night because Donald told him to. Yeah, he walked me all the way to my hotel room. (LOLOLOL Donny being a gentlman and having a known rapist escort his fuckpiece to her room alone-like so much of Trumpworld, you can't make this up)