Shapiro on Mueller and Memo


eh's picture

5/5 Good. Release that memo and all other information, so people can get the truth. I agree with pretty much everything he said.

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Grothesk's picture

Wow, you fuckin' blind Republican.


Being serious, I'm also 100% fine with as much information being released as possible.  It's interesting that Trump is walking gingerly on a lot of the issues Shapiro brings up here.

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skeptoid's picture

Why do I have to post this shit? I'm not even a Republican. Instead the site is spammed with a bunch of d'uh d'uh d'uh noise that looks like it came out of Berg's asshole.

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Grothesk's picture

I don't post political shit anymore because you tribalists get so passionate when one tribe is over represented or another tribe is made fun of too much. 

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skeptoid's picture

You work overtime to force content that jeopordizes your worldview off the site because you are always on duty, willing to say things you know to be untrue, in support of your tribe. I understand that you do it for the kids - after all, they may not have the critical toolkit needed to unpack information and viewpoints that haven't been ideologically pre-filtered.

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Grothesk's picture

"willing to say things you know to be untrue, in support of your tribe."


I understand that you're drunk first thing on a Saturday morning, but I have to do this:  SOURCE REQUIRED.

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skeptoid's picture

Here's the source: Grothesk. If that offends, you can take it to the administration's tribunal for social justice and campus safety.

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Grothesk's picture

Have you sobered up yet?  Or does that not happen until the weekend's over?  The reasn I ask is that you accused me of being a liar and when I angered you by requiring you tell me how, you balked.  

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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