
danmanjones's picture

Chicks love hard abs. Sigh... crying

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Fullauto223cal's picture

This guys is the OG Pantysoaker

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lawngnome's picture

I love the dude, but I think he's stuck in the 90's.

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gardendaleguy's picture

this SHOULD serve as a kind of inspiration if one is seeking this kind of attention.

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Cahu's picture

Beautfiul people have happier lives

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Grothesk's picture
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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

If he didn't have any confidence that would not go well.


A good body does not passively give confidence. That is a seperate skill tree.


Combine body and attitude though. LOOK OUT!

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Grothesk's picture

I unfortunately dumped all my stats into CHA and like have a -2 modifier in CON and a 0 in STR.

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