If both parties agree, it can be good for your relationship. The context that missing from CNN, as usual, is this - if you are a man who likes to fuck other men but are for some reason married to a woman, or if you are a masochist who gets off on being humiliated, such activities will likely not end your relationship. Instead, CNN's article is written in a way that suggests it is applicable to all hetero couples.
This is one in a recent line of desperate moves by CNN to draw attention to its failing network. Controversy works for failing media companies. Just understand that this is the journalism equivalent of a meth hag standing on some street corner screaming through broken teeth at every male who drives by that "I'll suck your dick! I'll suck your dick so good. Only $15. Fifteen for a blowjob here!"
(Long Spike)
"It's hard to tell what the intent of the article is except to encourage the breakdown of healthy marriages as they have been understood for, let's see, all of history..." - Carlson Tucker, at 0:55 of the above 1/5 video.
All of history? Didn't you upload a Mark Dice video where he was talking about the Bible? Do we want to bring up THE BIBLE when it comes to this topic? Do you want to talk about the history of marriage? Let's start with this: can a woman get cucked? Because about 95% of the marriages in the Bible have women getting cucked by their husbands as most marriages were harems or one husband had multiple wives. So when Tucker refers to "all of history", does he include his Bible and Joseph and Joseph literally getting cuckolded by GAWWWWWWWD?
1/5 religious right traditional family values bullshit.
(Old Spike)
I'm uploading every single CNN cuckolding video that appears in my suggested feed to maintain the quality bar you've helped establish on this website. Also, the level of triggering this misleading news story has provoked has been fascinating to watch, with you leading the charge dropping comments in almost every cuckolding video I've uploaded. I'm just a simple lad from a small town - had no idea how many closeted gays we have here on Spiked.
Grothesk - which Biblical figure was the first to point out the hypocrisy of the Jewish custom of just dropping wives when you get sick of 'em?
Second question: Why does the idea of the traditional family enrage you?
Thrid question: Would you acknowledge that your belief system, in both the real and meta-real sense, is essentially luciferian?
(Old Spike)
I think we get the point Skeptoid. CNN pushed a pro-cuck article that twisted the underlying facts of the source from gay relationships into straight ones. Why don't you post some stuff about who the lowlife CEO of CNN is & what his background is? Their ethics are terrible. I'd be interested to know who's behind this bullshit.
(Old Spike)
I would post such a video, but you and I both know it will be rapidly voted off the site. Still, suppose it never hurts to try.
(Long Spike)
Mmm, I dunno. We may need 9 more videos of people referring to the Bible and this article before we really get it.
(Long Spike)
Skeptoid, I would love to answer your questions. "which Biblical figure was the first to point out he hypocrisy of the Jewish custom of just dropping wives when you get sick of them?" I'm assuming that you are referring to Jesus, a scant 2000 years ago. The Judaic religion is around ~3200 to 4000 years old, depending upon your source, so you're misplacing over 1000 years. Or are you referring to the Law of Yahweh as told to Abraham? Because that mutherfucker and his multiple wives...let me tell ya.
"Why does the idea the traditional family enrage you?" Let me follow up with a question of my own: why do you believe gays should be forced to undergo electro-shock therapy to cure them? Yep, I can ask extremely misleading questions as well. As a liberal and a Democrat I don't get up in people's faces about how they live their lives...that's a Republican thing (like with how they don't like gays getting married and women having control over their bodies as they actively lobbied against it up until the present). If a man and a woman want to get together and get married and fuck and have kids then who gives a fucking shit? If a man and a man want to get together and fuck and invite 9 women and cuckold each other like 8 and 1/2 times each then who gives a fucking shit?
Thrid question of "would you acknowledge that your belief system, in both the real and meta-real sense, is essentially luciferian?" I have a very long and drawn out answer to this multi-faceted question that starts out like this: "No." There's like 14 pages after that, but SpikedNation.com fucked up when I went to post this and it all got lost. Luckily, me simply stating "no" is good enough.
Drunk Skeptoid on Saturday is a bit fun in places, but you're babbling very foolishly. Since I understand that you're drunk we'll let this slide but I really shouldn't have to *always* assume you're drunk, friend.
(Old Spike)
Great so the answers are 1. Jesus, 2. unfair loaded question in response to unfair loaded question, and 3. No you don't believe in God but just hate him so not a luciferian. Here's a more fair question - why does mention of the Bible enrage you so? You know the concept of a monogmous marriage in western society comes primarily out of Judeo Christian tradition, so you'll get some references to those traditions from people responding to this idiotically misleading article, which you have yet to acknolwedge is misleading but instead keep throwing out distraction after distraction, deflection after deflection.
LOL Not that I'm on the wagon or anything, but I haven't had a drink in many months. Drinking's not really my thing. More of a smoker here.
(Long Spike)
Wh...why exactly did you sum up my answers which are clearly spelled out in my above post? You're telling me you're not drinking, but you're acting very strangely.
The idea of the "traditional family" is a project of a norm and a standard, one which works for quite a few people but it obviously does not work for all. There's also nothing specifically tying it to Judeo-Christian values save for that was the dominant religion. Monogamous marriage existed long, long before Yeshua of Bethlehem and long, long before Abraham and his sister-wife Sarah. You are again simply ascribing it to your tribe. What's also funny is that I'm not shitting on monogamous relationships nor marriage at all: I'm saying live and let live. If a couple wants to cuckold or what the fuck ever, as long as they're not hurting anyone why are you so dead set against it? Or are you going to tell me now that you're not against it, you just like to upload 9 different videos shitting all over the topic while one of the videos you uploaded says that it is a sign of the end times? Oh, I have that Mark Dice video upload screenshotted because I know you'll want to deny it soon as that mutherfucker starts quoting the fucking BIBLE over it.
(Old Spike)
Let's start with this: can a woman get cucked?
I'll stop you right there Mr. Fudd. The plain and simple answer is NO, a woman cannot be cucked as the definition of cuck is gender specific.
A cuckold is the HUSBAND of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to MALES who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.
Because about 95% of the marriages in the Bible have women getting cucked by their husbands as most marriages were harems or one husband had multiple wives.
What you describe is not cuckoldry, you dumb ass. That is just plain old Polygamy.
(Long Spike)
Well, my argument was semantically destroyed. Is there really no English word or phrase referring to a woman who has a cheating husband? Obviously we have the word "cuckold" to describe a husband whose wife is cheating on him...but we don't have one going the other way? That sheds quite a bit of light on gender disparity and power structures in our society, to be certain.
(Old Spike)
Is there really no English word or phrase referring to a woman who has a cheating husband?
Sure, there a many of them. Jezebel, whore, slut, take your pick.
That sheds quite a bit of light on gender disparity and power structures in our society, to be certain.
[EYE ROLL] OMG, give me a break with this "gender disparity" bullshit. Of course there is going to be disparity, men and women are DIFFERENT! Of course there is going to be a power structure difference, again, because men and women are DIFFERENT.
(Long Spike)
Wait, all of your words make it sound like the woman is at fault. So if you were cheating on your wife SHE would be the Jezebel/whore/slut? What? What did she do wrong besides pick a garbage husband? That makes no sense.
I'm going to assume you just read my post incorrectly.
(Old Spike)
Wait, all of your words make it sound like the woman is at fault.
You asked me for terms that describe a women who cheats on her husband, or at least that's what I gathered, so I gave them to you.
So if you were cheating on your wife SHE would be the Jezebel/whore/slut?
No. That's not what you asked. You wrote, "Obviously we have the word "cuckold" to describe a husband whose wife is cheating on him...but we don't have one going the other way?" By "other way" I took you to mean a cheating wife. I guess you were asking what a woman would be labeled if she watched while another woman fucked her husband?
Ugh, I don't know, 'awesome' maybe? LOL.
I know you just hate the fact that gender roles are a thing and that certain acts are stigmatized more than others but let me see if I can explain why that is.
Women, not men with mental disorders who pretend to be women, but actual women with XX chromosomes, have a womb and can bear children. A woman, therefore, cannot be tricked into taking care of a baby that isn't hers for obvious reasons. A man, on the other, can be fooled into expending his resources unknowingly on a child that isn't actually his. It's basically fraud that would be embarrassing and emasculating enough if done in secret, but is doubly so when the male is a willing participant in the act.
I actually worked with a son of a bitch when I was a deputy who could be labeled a cuck in a loose sense. By which I mean he was in a relationship with a woman who wasn't fucking him, likely because he was a 40+ morbidly obese slob who literally lived at home with his mother. Yet she had a child from another man that he was giving her money to care for, I guess in the hope that one day, maybe, she's give him some. It was pretty fucking sad, I must say. His cuckoldry was out of desperation.
(Long Spike)
"Women, not men with mental disorders who pretend to be women, but actual women with XX chromosomes, have a womb and can bear children. A woman, therefore, cannot be tricked into taking care of a baby that isn't hers for obvious reasons. A man, on the other, can be fooled into expending his resources unknowingly on a child that isn't actually his. It's basically fraud that would be embarrassing and emasculating enough if done in secret, but is doubly so when the male is a willing participant in the act."
You're speaking quite generally here about *ALL* men and *ALL* women. And it sounds like the "son of a bitch" you worked with was a stand up guy: picking up the pieces after a piece of shit ran out on his own kid? You look down on that, really? You can judge him for being obese or desperate for sex or whatever, but he's literally helping to financially raise an abandoned child. Why on Earth would you present that as some sort of negative? Oh, I get it. You're one of those guys who links videos of bad people doing bad things and saying how they deserve a bullet but when someone else helps you also judge them as inferior. I believe the term I'm looking for is to describe you is: "garbage person".
(Old Spike)
As far as a the practice itself, the guy in the video calls it "sick and disgusting". The thought of it very well may be for the vast majority of people, myself included. But I would not judge a couple negatively who engaged in the practice. What couples do is their own fucking business.
(Long Spike)
Keep in mind these videos are all addressing this from a right winger, Christian point of view. They're up in an ivory tower telling others how to live because GAWWWWWWD created marriage, or something along those lines.
(Old Spike)
I get that but the difference between you and me is I DON'T CARE that they think it's wrong. They're perfectly free to think that and not engage in the practice if they want. They're also free to speak their views in a public forum.
Of course religious people pick and choose what parts of their religion they follow and which they ignore. That isn't a new thing.
Why are you getting all torn up about it?
(Long Spike)
To be honest, I'm a bit dismayed that Skeptoid is that far gone down the Christian rabbit hole.
(Old Spike)
I haven't been keeping score of your back and forth with him so I'm not exactly up on why you think he has gone "down the Christian rabbit hole". But assuming one does decide to go down a religious hole, I'd much rather it be of the Christian variety as opposed to the Islamic.
Christians will say mean things and give you dirty looks. Devout Muslims fucking straight up murder your ass if you live a lifestyle offensive to their beliefs.
(Long Spike)
When in your lifetime has anyone you've known had to choose between Christianity and Islam? Like, what fucking year do you think it is? Are Muslims knocking on your own door and influencing law in America? I'm going to judge Christians because I am *personally* affected by them. I know like four people who identify themselves as being of the Muslim faith and they have very little to no effect upon my life...if they did, I would judge them for it.
The reason I'm poking at Skeptoid is because he uploaded a video of Mark Dice who was chuckling his way through a video mocking the "cuckold" CNN article and Dice legit said into the camera, "as the Bible prophecy says, 'what is good is considered evil and what is evil is considered good'". He also used the terms Soddom and Gomorrah, as though those were real places with real people in them that the real God really destroyed. What's funny is that is an example of a scientific study being responded to by a right winger with information from THE BIBLE. There's a reason right wingers are considered Bible-thumping, anti-science morons.