Bimbos warming up before the Tight Ends bikini contest. An inside look into the concentration, flexibility, dedication, and sheer ability that contests like this entail.
Average: 4.2(13 votes)
Grothesk (Long Spike)
They're just hanging out in a kitchen? Every time I look at an ass now all I see is a 14 foot tube of digestion.
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eh (Long Spike)
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The Evil Bat (Long Spike)
Remember, this is Grothesk. He/she/it/attack helicopter, doesn't think like the rest of us
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
When you kiss a person on the mouth you create a 28-foot, uninterrupted connection between your asshole and their asshole.
Think about it, won't you?
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eh (Long Spike)
It's actually 29 feet 8 inches from mouth to asshole in the human digestive tract, thus making a 59-foot 4-inch connection between asshole to asshole in two people.
Human biology is fascinating.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I'm glad someone is getting it.
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Cahu (Old Spike)
Who's getting it? Im not
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Think about it this way: all of these women poop. Does that make it a bit more clear?
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Cahu (Old Spike)
Oh I'm getting it, I just aint getting any, if you get me
(Long Spike)
They're just hanging out in a kitchen? Every time I look at an ass now all I see is a 14 foot tube of digestion.
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
Remember, this is Grothesk. He/she/it/attack helicopter, doesn't think like the rest of us
(Long Spike)
When you kiss a person on the mouth you create a 28-foot, uninterrupted connection between your asshole and their asshole.
Think about it, won't you?
(Long Spike)
It's actually 29 feet 8 inches from mouth to asshole in the human digestive tract, thus making a 59-foot 4-inch connection between asshole to asshole in two people.
Human biology is fascinating.
(Long Spike)
I'm glad someone is getting it.
(Old Spike)
Who's getting it? Im not
(Long Spike)
Think about it this way: all of these women poop. Does that make it a bit more clear?
(Old Spike)
Oh I'm getting it, I just aint getting any, if you get me