What's funny is that this shit is literally over a fucking piece of paper. Fucking Trump supporters are willing to destroy people's fucking lives because of the color of the piece of fucking paper they have upon them. It really shows the depravity of that Bronze Age-minded party.
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SpikedLegend (Site Administrator)
This is the worst display of lack of compassion that I've ever seen. Only in the movies.
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
And comedy is dead.
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Beseeched1 (Long Spike)
Trump is president. Comedy is alive and kicking.
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
go back to africa
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
So, because one family is DACA it is a worthy program? This family doesn't not represent the majority of DACA.
Don't let the black lady talk.. real shit might be said.
Also, DACA has no end, no path to citizenship, and they obivously weren't seeking citizenship themselves. She had how many years? She may have been 2 when she came over, but the DACA bill states ages 16 before 2007 up to 34 years old. If you have been here for 16 years and signed up for DACA in 2010, and still didn't try to become a citizen then fuck you.
Also, because that guy won't marry that girl, that he has a kid with to help them stay together and legalize it, I am supposed to feel bad. Liberal logic, take the outlier with an easy solution and present it as the common problem.
I am glad the panel stuck to their guns. DACA & DAPA need to be ended and we need to find a way to stop the flow of illegals in our country. Trumps is allowing 1.8 million DACA receiptants/parents/ and rejects a path to citizenship with the bargining chip of 25billion for the wall laid on the table from Schumer earlier last month as they tried to pass it for 700k DACA people. This should be a no brainer and I think it is being done the right way, as it doesn't spit in the face of many foreigner who submitted their paperwork and studying for the test to become a citizen of this great country.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
For conversation purposes, what path did you have to endure to become a citizen of the United States?
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
That is a great gotcha question. Forgive me for answering your question with a question, what path did any other person in any other country have to take to become a citizen who was born there?
If you are born in Canada, you are a Canadian Citizen, if you illegally travel to Mexico (undocumented whatever) and get caught.. do they let you stay there? I assume, your underlying arguement is USA bad, other countries good and we need to be more tolerant like them. Before you leave your country and enter somewhere else you have to get a passport, and have it checked, and depending on where you go, sometimes you get interrogated, I have no problems with any of that.
Consequences in the USA for being caught undocumented are very leinant in comparison to almost every country in the world.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
No, my underlying point is that you're smugly holding on to your citizenship despite the fact you did literally nothing to obtain it. And you seem to be ignorant of places such as Switzerland and Israel that specifically require their citizens to serve in the military for a time to maintain their citizenship status. You didn't do ANYTHING to become a citizen and at the same time you're criticizing people for not gaining a piece of paper that says they're a citizen; it comes off as buffoonish.
Let's get down to brass tax: why are you considered a citizen and they aren't? You'll say it's because you were born here, but you didn't DO anything youself to be born here. So then you'll look for other justifications for your citizenship, such as saying that you're a productive member of your community, you pay taxes, you have a full time job, you have kids, you were in the military, etc. Well, how about instead of entitled nobodies being granted citizenship for falling out of their mothers' vaginas across an imaginary line being the sole factor determining citizenship, how about we instead look at those other factors. Are these Dreamers paying taxes? Are they working? Do they have kids? Are they productive members of their society? The same should apply to both you and I: if we AREN'T productive members of our society, if we DON'T pay taxes, if we can't maintain a semblemce of a job, then perhaps it's time to ship us out.
TLDR: You didn't do bupkiss to become a citizen and so you will rely upon your other activities to justify your citizenship. Well, why don't we do that for EVERYONE so that when you claim that you're a "citizen" it means more than "I fell out of my momma's pussy in Detroit."?
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Damn bro, you mad? Didn't mean to strike a nerve. Let me address these points and hope you don't keep foaming at the mouth.
Consequences in the USA for being caught undocumented are very leinant in comparison to almost every country in the world.
^ not ignorant of Isreal or Switzerland at all. Just not using outliers to balance my statement as common. The majority, (majority being the important word) of countries in the WORLD (for emphasis, not yelling) say if you are born there you are a citizen.
I didn't have to endure anything to become a citizen this true, I was born here. Although, people before me have fought and died to let me have this status. Let me give you an analogy.
My grandfather finds a piece of undiscoverd land, he builds a house and marks his invisible territory as you state it. when he dies, My father gains his land.. why? He didn't do anything to earn it, he just happened to be in the right family? Your arguement to me breaks down hard when simplified. People and faught and died to be here and make this country what it is today. We the people, would like to see that maintained.
As for your whole 2nd paragraph, you got pretty speculative. I was born here, I have a greatest "spawn point". It is my job to make sure it stays the greatest spawn point. Having people in your country illegally, which by the way Isreal and switzerland don't allow, is not benefical to the country or the people that snuck in. Until we give them amnesty.
Oh and those invisible lines.. A country is defined LITTERALLY by its borders.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I didn't mean to come off as rude or offensive, and that post certainly isn't me "frothing at the mouth". It is something I do care about, though, as we're legitimately talking about displacing people who have lived here since they were children. It strikes me as comical when people puff out their chest and talk about how they're a citizen but they didn't do *anything* to achieve that goal. I'm not interested in what your father did or your grandfather or your great-grandfather because that isn't you; you don't gain a medal because of their heroics just like you don't gain jailtime due to their criminal acts.
There are piece of shit Americans who are addicted to drugs, who steal, who kill, who leech off of society and we don't "ship them out"...but they can defiantly look you in the eye and say, "I'm an American." Where you fell out of your mother isn't impressive to me. That's why I state that we should define American citizenship by qualities that matter.
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UltimateX (Short Spike)
we should just accept the same laws mexico has for their immigrants. Oh wait, they'll deport your ass or put you in jail if you go to mexico illegally.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Don't let Grothesk see this video. I don't think he can handle the truth.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Hey, all you Trump haters, are you all not aware that Trump literally offered amnesty for all the DACA kids and then some and the Democrats rejected it? The problem here isn't Trump, he's perfectly willing to piss off a large portion of his base if he can finally secure the border, stop chain migration and go back to a merit based immigration program.
But oh no, the Democrats will here nothing of it which is exactly what Trump expected. You see now the Democrats have exposed themselves for the piece of shit party they are. Not only do they NOT give a single fuck about DACA kids beyond being a photo op and background prop for speeches, they are now putting the interests of non-citizens above the people who actually voted them into power; unless we're talking about California where non-citizens actually do vote them into power.
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SpikedLegend (Site Administrator)
We wouldnt even have a president Trump if it werent for chain migration.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
You touched on something I didn't go into detail to much on in my earlier comment, Fullauto.
Dems do not, as a whole, give a flying shit about illegals. DACA, DAPA is nothing but a ploy.
How can I say this?
1. Well, for the last 50+ years every president has wanted a more secure border and something better than the 12ft fence we have now.
2. When the Democrats had all 3 branches under Obama, no amnesty was given, in fact 2010 ... 2years later is when these programs came out DACA/DAPA, that is right at the time republicans took over the house.
3. they wanted DACA to be renewed, for 700k people and offered 25 billion for the wall to get it passed during governmnet shutdown, but Republicans wouldn't take the deal, Because POTUS would "Trump" them later
4. now Republicans are willing to negotiate when DACA is its own bill, 1.8 instead of the original 700k, (THIS is every DACA - DAPA and those that tried to sign up but were denied by the Obama admin but still showed to be a decent citizen) and they will perform this for the original offer by Schumer, and Dem's still aren't in agreement.
^ because they want you to think they care, but don't give a shit. Plus if passed the fear that Trump as a republican is the one that gave them a path to citizenship and not just a 2 year extension on lively hood, might just make all these new citizens later vote RED instead of blue in swing states like NY and CA where most DACA reside.
(Long Spike)
What's funny is that this shit is literally over a fucking piece of paper. Fucking Trump supporters are willing to destroy people's fucking lives because of the color of the piece of fucking paper they have upon them. It really shows the depravity of that Bronze Age-minded party.
(Site Administrator)
This is the worst display of lack of compassion that I've ever seen. Only in the movies.
(Old Spike)
And comedy is dead.
(Long Spike)
Trump is president. Comedy is alive and kicking.
(Long Spike)
go back to africa
(Long Spike)
So, because one family is DACA it is a worthy program? This family doesn't not represent the majority of DACA.
Don't let the black lady talk.. real shit might be said.
Also, DACA has no end, no path to citizenship, and they obivously weren't seeking citizenship themselves. She had how many years? She may have been 2 when she came over, but the DACA bill states ages 16 before 2007 up to 34 years old. If you have been here for 16 years and signed up for DACA in 2010, and still didn't try to become a citizen then fuck you.
Also, because that guy won't marry that girl, that he has a kid with to help them stay together and legalize it, I am supposed to feel bad. Liberal logic, take the outlier with an easy solution and present it as the common problem.
I am glad the panel stuck to their guns. DACA & DAPA need to be ended and we need to find a way to stop the flow of illegals in our country. Trumps is allowing 1.8 million DACA receiptants/parents/ and rejects a path to citizenship with the bargining chip of 25billion for the wall laid on the table from Schumer earlier last month as they tried to pass it for 700k DACA people. This should be a no brainer and I think it is being done the right way, as it doesn't spit in the face of many foreigner who submitted their paperwork and studying for the test to become a citizen of this great country.
(Long Spike)
For conversation purposes, what path did you have to endure to become a citizen of the United States?
(Long Spike)
That is a great gotcha question. Forgive me for answering your question with a question, what path did any other person in any other country have to take to become a citizen who was born there?
If you are born in Canada, you are a Canadian Citizen, if you illegally travel to Mexico (undocumented whatever) and get caught.. do they let you stay there? I assume, your underlying arguement is USA bad, other countries good and we need to be more tolerant like them. Before you leave your country and enter somewhere else you have to get a passport, and have it checked, and depending on where you go, sometimes you get interrogated, I have no problems with any of that.
Consequences in the USA for being caught undocumented are very leinant in comparison to almost every country in the world.
(Long Spike)
No, my underlying point is that you're smugly holding on to your citizenship despite the fact you did literally nothing to obtain it. And you seem to be ignorant of places such as Switzerland and Israel that specifically require their citizens to serve in the military for a time to maintain their citizenship status. You didn't do ANYTHING to become a citizen and at the same time you're criticizing people for not gaining a piece of paper that says they're a citizen; it comes off as buffoonish.
Let's get down to brass tax: why are you considered a citizen and they aren't? You'll say it's because you were born here, but you didn't DO anything youself to be born here. So then you'll look for other justifications for your citizenship, such as saying that you're a productive member of your community, you pay taxes, you have a full time job, you have kids, you were in the military, etc. Well, how about instead of entitled nobodies being granted citizenship for falling out of their mothers' vaginas across an imaginary line being the sole factor determining citizenship, how about we instead look at those other factors. Are these Dreamers paying taxes? Are they working? Do they have kids? Are they productive members of their society? The same should apply to both you and I: if we AREN'T productive members of our society, if we DON'T pay taxes, if we can't maintain a semblemce of a job, then perhaps it's time to ship us out.
TLDR: You didn't do bupkiss to become a citizen and so you will rely upon your other activities to justify your citizenship. Well, why don't we do that for EVERYONE so that when you claim that you're a "citizen" it means more than "I fell out of my momma's pussy in Detroit."?
(Long Spike)
Damn bro, you mad? Didn't mean to strike a nerve. Let me address these points and hope you don't keep foaming at the mouth.
Consequences in the USA for being caught undocumented are very leinant in comparison to almost every country in the world.
^ not ignorant of Isreal or Switzerland at all. Just not using outliers to balance my statement as common. The majority, (majority being the important word) of countries in the WORLD (for emphasis, not yelling) say if you are born there you are a citizen.
I didn't have to endure anything to become a citizen this true, I was born here. Although, people before me have fought and died to let me have this status. Let me give you an analogy.
My grandfather finds a piece of undiscoverd land, he builds a house and marks his invisible territory as you state it. when he dies, My father gains his land.. why? He didn't do anything to earn it, he just happened to be in the right family? Your arguement to me breaks down hard when simplified. People and faught and died to be here and make this country what it is today. We the people, would like to see that maintained.
As for your whole 2nd paragraph, you got pretty speculative. I was born here, I have a greatest "spawn point". It is my job to make sure it stays the greatest spawn point. Having people in your country illegally, which by the way Isreal and switzerland don't allow, is not benefical to the country or the people that snuck in. Until we give them amnesty.
Oh and those invisible lines.. A country is defined LITTERALLY by its borders.
(Long Spike)
I didn't mean to come off as rude or offensive, and that post certainly isn't me "frothing at the mouth". It is something I do care about, though, as we're legitimately talking about displacing people who have lived here since they were children. It strikes me as comical when people puff out their chest and talk about how they're a citizen but they didn't do *anything* to achieve that goal. I'm not interested in what your father did or your grandfather or your great-grandfather because that isn't you; you don't gain a medal because of their heroics just like you don't gain jailtime due to their criminal acts.
There are piece of shit Americans who are addicted to drugs, who steal, who kill, who leech off of society and we don't "ship them out"...but they can defiantly look you in the eye and say, "I'm an American." Where you fell out of your mother isn't impressive to me. That's why I state that we should define American citizenship by qualities that matter.
(Short Spike)
we should just accept the same laws mexico has for their immigrants. Oh wait, they'll deport your ass or put you in jail if you go to mexico illegally.
(Long Spike)
Don't let Grothesk see this video. I don't think he can handle the truth.
(Old Spike)
Hey, all you Trump haters, are you all not aware that Trump literally offered amnesty for all the DACA kids and then some and the Democrats rejected it? The problem here isn't Trump, he's perfectly willing to piss off a large portion of his base if he can finally secure the border, stop chain migration and go back to a merit based immigration program.
But oh no, the Democrats will here nothing of it which is exactly what Trump expected. You see now the Democrats have exposed themselves for the piece of shit party they are. Not only do they NOT give a single fuck about DACA kids beyond being a photo op and background prop for speeches, they are now putting the interests of non-citizens above the people who actually voted them into power; unless we're talking about California where non-citizens actually do vote them into power.
(Site Administrator)
We wouldnt even have a president Trump if it werent for chain migration.
(Long Spike)
You touched on something I didn't go into detail to much on in my earlier comment, Fullauto.
Dems do not, as a whole, give a flying shit about illegals. DACA, DAPA is nothing but a ploy.
How can I say this?
1. Well, for the last 50+ years every president has wanted a more secure border and something better than the 12ft fence we have now.
2. When the Democrats had all 3 branches under Obama, no amnesty was given, in fact 2010 ... 2years later is when these programs came out DACA/DAPA, that is right at the time republicans took over the house.
3. they wanted DACA to be renewed, for 700k people and offered 25 billion for the wall to get it passed during governmnet shutdown, but Republicans wouldn't take the deal, Because POTUS would "Trump" them later
4. now Republicans are willing to negotiate when DACA is its own bill, 1.8 instead of the original 700k, (THIS is every DACA - DAPA and those that tried to sign up but were denied by the Obama admin but still showed to be a decent citizen) and they will perform this for the original offer by Schumer, and Dem's still aren't in agreement.
^ because they want you to think they care, but don't give a shit. Plus if passed the fear that Trump as a republican is the one that gave them a path to citizenship and not just a 2 year extension on lively hood, might just make all these new citizens later vote RED instead of blue in swing states like NY and CA where most DACA reside.