Today's kids really need this kinda thing. Get em away from the screens and out in nature playing.
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Needless_Kane (Old Spike)
More tackle boxes, less x boxes
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Kibernizzle (Short Spike)
Ha! I went to one of those. There is no doubt my kids are gonna be "forest kids" as well.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
With bad ass little European kids like this you have to wonder how the hell Western Europe ended up with so many leaders that are fucking pussies.
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Kibernizzle (Short Spike)
The world is run by pussies. You haven't heard the song by Beyonce..?
Good thing we have tough guys like you and Trump to give this world some much needed masculine edge...
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Are you male or female?
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Kibernizzle (Short Spike)
Male. But I don't see how that matters?
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
He will discard your opinion if you are a female, he will belittle your opinion if you are male.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Stop projecting Mr. Fudd, as if you don't discard the opinion of everyone slightly to the right of Vladimir Lenin.
Shot any more quail?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
OK. I was curious where you were coming from. I would expect a women to have more of a problem with this sort of Kindergarden than men.
As for why it matters, I was curious if you were merely a third wave feminst with a bone to pick or just a male "feminist ally" practicing your virtue signalling skills for when you need to impress the radical feminist in hopes that they'll let you fuck them as thanks.
You are apparently the latter of the two.
As for "masculine men" like me, if by "masculine" you mean a dedicated husband of 14 years who provides for his wife and three sons, then yea. If by "masculine" you also mean someone who understands altruistic suicide when he sees it, then yea. If by "masculine" you mean putting my country first above the leeches of the world and refusing to bend over and spread my cheeks for certain classes of people because they claim they're offended, sure.
I'll take masculinity over pussification every day of the week because if shit ever pops off, the pussies will be the first ones to eat shit and die because they are utterly helpless and dependent on "masculine" people for their own protection, but they'll never admit it.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Was just thinking this forest kinder garden would never fly in the US.
Lawsuits everywhere...
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Kibernizzle (Short Spike)
That is cute. I wouldn't expect a man of your age, a "dedicated husband of 14 years" to get so easily offended.
Now that we're doing the guessing game, I would have guessed you to be a 17 year old female from that rant.
What is the difference between a joke and two huge dicks?
- You can't take a joke.
(Site Moderator)
That's awesome.
Today's kids really need this kinda thing. Get em away from the screens and out in nature playing.
(Old Spike)
More tackle boxes, less x boxes
(Short Spike)
Ha! I went to one of those. There is no doubt my kids are gonna be "forest kids" as well.
(Old Spike)
With bad ass little European kids like this you have to wonder how the hell Western Europe ended up with so many leaders that are fucking pussies.
(Short Spike)
The world is run by pussies. You haven't heard the song by Beyonce..?
Good thing we have tough guys like you and Trump to give this world some much needed masculine edge...
(Old Spike)
Are you male or female?
(Short Spike)
Male. But I don't see how that matters?
(Long Spike)
He will discard your opinion if you are a female, he will belittle your opinion if you are male.
(Old Spike)
Stop projecting Mr. Fudd, as if you don't discard the opinion of everyone slightly to the right of Vladimir Lenin.
Shot any more quail?
(Old Spike)
OK. I was curious where you were coming from. I would expect a women to have more of a problem with this sort of Kindergarden than men.
As for why it matters, I was curious if you were merely a third wave feminst with a bone to pick or just a male "feminist ally" practicing your virtue signalling skills for when you need to impress the radical feminist in hopes that they'll let you fuck them as thanks.
You are apparently the latter of the two.
As for "masculine men" like me, if by "masculine" you mean a dedicated husband of 14 years who provides for his wife and three sons, then yea. If by "masculine" you also mean someone who understands altruistic suicide when he sees it, then yea. If by "masculine" you mean putting my country first above the leeches of the world and refusing to bend over and spread my cheeks for certain classes of people because they claim they're offended, sure.
I'll take masculinity over pussification every day of the week because if shit ever pops off, the pussies will be the first ones to eat shit and die because they are utterly helpless and dependent on "masculine" people for their own protection, but they'll never admit it.
(Site Moderator)
Was just thinking this forest kinder garden would never fly in the US.
Lawsuits everywhere...
(Short Spike)
That is cute. I wouldn't expect a man of your age, a "dedicated husband of 14 years" to get so easily offended.
Now that we're doing the guessing game, I would have guessed you to be a 17 year old female from that rant.
What is the difference between a joke and two huge dicks?
- You can't take a joke.