This movie is legend mannnnn, it's too bad The Hobbit was so rushed and troubled.
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Cahu (Old Spike)
Powerful. Made me cry.
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pimp635 (Member)
Actually around that time in history after the 90's hollywood lost a shit ton of money the coke era was gone and the well dried up movies are like any art nowadays a business first art last :(
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Cahu (Old Spike)
Its like your sentences are borderline making sense, but just when I think I know what you're talking about I realize there's something horribly wrong with how you're writing it down.
(Short Spike)
This movie is legend mannnnn, it's too bad The Hobbit was so rushed and troubled.
(Old Spike)
Powerful. Made me cry.
Actually around that time in history after the 90's hollywood lost a shit ton of money the coke era was gone and the well dried up movies are like any art nowadays a business first art last :(
(Old Spike)
Its like your sentences are borderline making sense, but just when I think I know what you're talking about I realize there's something horribly wrong with how you're writing it down.