Trumptard Nation Is Triggered

eh's picture


It's pretty obvious that Spiked Trumptard Nation is in full trigger mode. Skeptoid is flooding Spiked with posts that fellate Trump continuously, and the group of 5-6 Spiked Trumptards-all hardore of course, repost Trumptard conspiracy bullshit voted off of the site like the stupid "Deep State" Black Pigeon video over and over like theblackswordsman is doing, like every Trumptard video and comment, and generally are packing what was an interesting site with Trumptard conspiracy bullshit. A separate site, say Trumptard Spiked Nation would be great, but this has gone to shit.





Average: 3.8 (8 votes)


eh's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

Why are you so mad bro?


About your "conspiracy bullshit" reference.  I don't know if you've been fallowing the news lately but there was indeed a conspiracy that occurred and it had nothing to do with Russia.  It's all there in black and white; the FBI and the FISA system was co-opted using false information to spy on a political candidate for the benefit of another.  On top of the conspiracy between the DOJ and FBI to hinder prosecution of Hillary Clinton for violation of federal secrecy laws.


But I bet you don't give a single fuck about that because the people who did all this shit were either Democrats or working to benifit the Democratic party.

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eh's picture

None of it would surprise me but fucktard Trumptards who believe everything a pathological liar says is truly bizarre. You seriously just won't accept what the Trump regime has done. Anything your dear leader Trump says has to be true, right? I mean he has yet to reach 3,000 lies since he has been office.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I believe your irrational hatred for Trump is rooted in something other what you assert.  I say this because it has been an accepted fact for decades now that all politicians are liars to a certain degree, yet you only focus your pathological hatred at one man, Trump.  And just to save you some work, if you intend to submit some sort of list from a left wing anti-Trump "fact checking" site to back up your absurd 3000 lies bullshit, please know up front that if the "lie" pertains to some business dispute or something completely harmless and non-criminal he did in his personal life before winning the Presidency, or ever something after he won that is inconsequential, I don't give a single fuck.


When it comes to lying, I'm more concerning with people who actually have power, using that power in violation of the law and the Constitution and lying about their actions to cover it up.  You know, like Hillary lying about rigging the DNC primary.  Hillary taking pay offs from the Russians for Uranium mining rights.  Hillary working behind the scenes with Obama "regime" to avoid being prosecuted for blatant and provable violations of Federal secrecy laws.


The "Trump regime" has done plenty of things and as far as I can see they're working out just fine.  I have a sneaking suspicion that the "things" you are referring are either exaggerations on your part or simply made up horse shit like "Trump/Russia".


Trump is not my dear leader, he is my President and he's doing exactly what I wanted him to do when I voted for his ass.


Now do you want to tell us all the truth of why you really dislike him or are you going to keep up your own lie?

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Fullauto223cal's picture
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eh's picture

LOL Dass hype yo!

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Fullauto223cal's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture
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skeptoid's picture

LOL Yes it's the Trumptards who are triggered. Not you. I haven't flooded the site with pro-Trump anything - my two most recent posts are of a guy who hates Trump and would like the left to adopt a winning strategy against him, and the other is an independent journalist who criticizes Trump's supporters and admits his personal bias leans left (a mirror of We are Change, which leans right). What they both have in common is that they are alternative media - not the MSM. Get paid eh! You are combatting this low-quality pro-trump onslaught with your own high-quality posts. Great work - proud of you.

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eh's picture

I just wanted to see which Trumptard would crawl out from under a rock over this post. Never thought it would be you in a million years. Great job.

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skeptoid's picture

I think you've just about worn out this current iteration.

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eh's picture

Hemmorhoid, your viewpoint has been played out long ago. You have some feeling in the dark recesses of your mind that your beliefs if repeated over and over somehow give them an air of truth rather than the truth that they are just lies. Great technique. We have a president of my country who uses the same formula. Beware though, it's bad for your mental health and gives rise to pathological lying, bizarre inflated ego, narcissistic personality disorder, and a general decay of intellect which becomes quite obvious. Keep on.

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skeptoid's picture

You oppose my desire to see Trump defeated in 2020? I thought you didn't like him. I wonder if you realize that the tactics you practice make Trump stronger and make defeating him in 2020 less likely. Your game is obvious, tired, and pathetically ineffective. Trying to suppress an intelligent strategy to defeat Trump strikes me as counter-productive to your stated goals. People who want "better than Trump" have to fight against both Trump and your retardedness. In that sense you are a great ally of Trump. If I thought you were more intelligent I'd peg you as a very savvy Trump supporter.who also admires Putin.


May 5th, 2017


I want an independent candidate to take over the Democratic party and offer an even better choice than Trump that will push us further away from the corrupt establishment and get us away from the darker sides of Trump. But if you want to defeat Trump in 2020 you HAVE to stop saying he's just a dumb idiot - he is far, far from that, and I'm sure even HE was surprised by how profoundly he was underestimated by the comfortable elite. 


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eh's picture

Oh, he's a genius. To the weak-minded dumbfucks like the intellectual elite that cheer him at his rallies and voted for him, thinking they would live the good life like the people who joined Trump University and believed his lies of being given the keys to the high life.

I love the people that show up and cheer him like the people behind him in this picture from one of his recent rallies that he lives for. Salt of the earth suckers that Trump has preyed on his whole life.
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skeptoid's picture

Jordan Peterson just finished explaining to you that Trump is not a genius. See, Peterson says "It's easy to say the guy who beat you, and who you oppose politically, is just a dumb guy supported by dumb people, but Trump is not a stupid man." And your response is a sarcastic  "Oh right yeah he's a genius." No one said he was a genius - do you see how you are like the channel 4 lady? Jimmy Dore is pulling his hair out over apparent leftists like you who use dumb tactics to unwittingly prop Trump up (right, right, sorry you're a republican) - making it look like the only people who oppose him are cosmopolitan neocon and neolib war mongers and the insane on the very extreme left. That's not a good look for Trump opponents. Meanwhile Trump has put Obama's drone murder program on steroids.


Be honest - do you want to see Trump defeated in 2020?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

eh, you want to know the real reason I personally voted for Trump?  It's pretty simple.


I voted for Trump because I knew based on what I saw during the campaign that if he won it would make people like you and every other tyranical leftwing, nutless, commie, cock sucking piece of shit's head explode.


Brother, I have not been disappointed.

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eh's picture

LOL and you knew you wouldn't be spending every minute of every day sucking off your dear leader no matter how many lies he tells and how much of a carnival his administration becomes. Great job. You aren't triggered yet here you are. Just another dumbfuck who doesn't realize they are just another Trump sucker. Wouldn't surprise me if Hillary was worse but Trump is just an inept liar. We need someone people can take seriously.

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skeptoid's picture

"We need someone people can take seriously."


LOL You really going to try to steal my line at THIS point in your development? FullAuto doesn't present himself as something he is not. You do. Do you understand the difference, and why the only person triggered here is you? 


If you truly opposed Trump you wouldn't do everything in your power to represent his opponents as shallow sputtering morons who seem like they took an Antifa course on how to pass as a Republican. The general question I think anyone who's known you over the years has most commonly had is whether you are stupid or just enjoy trolling. Lately you've been very triggered, and that usually foreshadows the abandonment of your current shell. Why don't you just be yourself?


And you know FullAuto is telling the absolute truth when he says he voted for Trump just to watch soft cases like you and the Super Friends lose their shit entirely, make fools of themselves, etc. Many who voted Trump did so for largely this reason, and continue to openly support him for this reason. The people put in front of us as "Trump's opponents" look like embarrassing, cringy fools. They look like that STANDING NEXT TO TRUMP FFS. People will vote for Trump in 2020 just to watch you writhe for four more years, you fucking fool. 


This video has been posted to the sit e more times than I can count - not just in comment threads but by you and a few others many times as a new post for the Spiked Nationals, complete with a description that makes Trump opponents looks like idiots followed quickly by four or five 5/5 ratings. I'm giving this 5/5 and I hope it hits the front page.

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eh's picture and the other Trumptard flunkie have commented 11 times and counting on this stupid video but I'M triggered and you aren't? LOL



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skeptoid's picture

If you're saying anyone who responds to you is "triggered" then I guess you're asking to be treated like Berg. You certainly sound like Berg, and I'm certainly willing to ignore you if that's what you want. Your call. I think I've made my position clear - you are a genuine ally of Trump 2020. If you're stumping for him or getting paid to promote his 2020 campaign, then hats off friend. Well done.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Dude, I'm shit posting just to get your goat, you can't count those.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

not a big fan of the political stuff but what can you do..i just skip over most of it..

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Not looking at shit that doesn't interest you is what seperates adults like you from childern like Eh.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

ill take it :)

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Maxpower's picture

lol, Shit like this is why I can't hate Trump.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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eh's picture

I unnastand.


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Grothesk's picture

Skeptoid, you're literally flooding the site with tribal politics bullshit.  I understand you're in super angry mode or "triggered" or whatever the catchphrase of the month is, but you're just dragging this site down in your little hissy fit.

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skeptoid's picture

You're officially a hypocrite. You're in the doghouse. I would have expected an honest you to come to this thread and admonish the poster for spamming the site with tribal nonsense seeing as this is about the 5th time this particular clip has been posted as a new video to spike nation in the past year.


You keep saying I'm flooding the site with tribal stuff when I'm not flooding the site with tribal anything. I'm not the one reposting the same tribal vid over and over on either side of this divide. I've posted alternative media from multiple political angles and I will continue to do so as I have always done. Also I'm not angry at all this site lost its power to do that to me a long time ago it's just a tribal joke now. I thought you knew that? If you want it to become something other than a joke I do have something for that but I think it would upset you. 


Please explain how I am literally flooding this site with tribal politics bulshit? The more Angry you get the more full of crap you become. I'm not the Black Swordsman and I haven't been coordinating with him if that's what you're implying. And that black pigeon video wasn't even that particularly tribal. Wait are you saying anything that doesn't come from an establishment source is automatically tribal politics? I've literally been doing the opposite of tribal since yesterday and you can't possibly be this retarded. Outside the lunatic filter of neomarxism I am center-right, and spent yesterday posting mostly leftwing alternative media. I'll go through and label the vids to help you in all caps at the top of the description - perhaps we'll have a breakthrough. Unless you're only beef is that every single Source I've used since yesterday has been an alternative media source. Is that your issue? Because that would be consistent with you. What you meant to say was "Skeptoid has been flooding the site with alternative media and I'm a volunteer shill for the discredited MSM so please stop".


I'll also point out that I'm not breaking any rules, and your pleading comments are pathetic as you put out a dog whistle to the super friends to come help you downrate the "tribal spam" which is your dishonest descriptor for alternative media. Journalists like Tim Pool and We are Change are some of the ONLY outlets striving for objectivity as they examine various issues. How could you call Tim Pool tribal? Is Joe Rogan also tribal politics crap? I'm trying to make sure I get the full scope of your meaning when you use the word tribal (which, lately, seems like a synonym for "I'm somehow threatened by alternative media.")


Please acknowledge the incredible irony of you criticizing me for tribal politics in the comment section of a tribal post that I didn't make by a person notorious for tribal reposts that you've been blanket defending since the new wave of donkeypunch criticism began. Why do you carry water for neocon and neolib warmongers? You're one of the more tribal people here for consistently doing so.

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eh's picture

ISBN-13: 9780451457998


Get a fucking hobby, get a clue, get a life, you wack job. Nah keep writing triggered novels. You're good at it.

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skeptoid's picture

None of the comment you are responding to nor this comment was written by anyone. I don't put a lot of effort into crafting a tight response to two idiots see I just speak into my phone and let it type whatever comes out. I can't be bothered to spend anything more than a few seconds effort on any of your nonsense.

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eh's picture

LOL Oh, that makes your ramblings the mark of a real winner...

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