How can you not possibly support Black Lives Matter here? Though they should be wearing loincloths as just standing there they are culturally appropriating western clothing and technology like cellphones. Their cultural appropriation, like using rap music for yoga, is impossible to quantify.........but other cultures should march in protest, right? No, that would be stupid obviously.
(7 votes)
(Old Spike)
They need a celebrity like Eminem to raise their profile and get their message to more people.
(Long Spike)
Shouldn't they also be pissed that white people are using yoga in general?
(Long Spike)
Good point. People of Indian ancestry (as in India) should be protesting as well, since yoga was begun by their ancient culture in the 5th-6th century BC and therefore they "Own" it.
(Short Spike)
eh loincloths ? Funny since your daddy made them to pick the cotton you used made _____ clothes
(Long Spike)
Like 100% of people today, my "Daddy" didn't make black people pick cotton and like over 99% of people, noone in my ancestry did either. Loincloths was absolutely incorrect however. Sub-saharan Africans before they were brought to the "New world" did not wear loincloths but many different garments before appropriating western dress.
(Long Spike)
its not like rap has ever sampled / remixed (appropriated) .....
(Short Spike)
Saying to someone they can't be doing that because of the colour of their skin is FUCKING RACIST !!!
Also why are the black people in the video talking in english ? Cultural Appropiation i say !!!
Are they using cars to move around ?A white guy invented that , are they getting medical procedures done ? A white guy invented them, are they using a cellphone a radio or even have lights in their houses ? A white guy invented them.
I say that these people and i am not refering to black people, just to these specific people should stay true to their culture and go back to Africa by cannoe !!! because, well white males invented the ship and start rapping around a fucking campfire while they speak their african original language , you know the one with the clicks in it :>.
Also they made the instructor or the people from the yoga studio take racism courses ?
Well guess who does not know the fucking definition of racism !!!
This would be funny if they weren't so damn stupid. I mean the sheer stupidity is what makes it not funny.
Ok ok it is fucking funny :))