LOL I predicted this wouldn't get monetized, but they went even further and took down his entire channel. It's gone.
MR. OBVIOUS must be sooooo pissed right now.
(6 votes)
LOL I predicted this wouldn't get monetized, but they went even further and took down his entire channel. It's gone.
MR. OBVIOUS must be sooooo pissed right now.
(Old Spike)
I was reading about this tonight. God bless 4chan for outing the biased left wing media jumping to push their anti-white commie agenda.
Hey Mr. Fudd, these are your people. These are your comrads falling for this stupid shit.
(Short Spike)
Wasn't Elmer Fudd the moron always pointing the gun at bugs and wasn't Stalin at war with the press?
(Short Spike)
"the media is the enemy of the people."
Praise your confused partisan pull a part politibrain. Like a warm and stupid jewish halah bread baking in an nazi prison oven.
(Short Spike)
so someone put out fake news to troll . It early and story is just coming out . Rightwing get a hard on because this will let claim " fake news" if news is fake It happends AUto and his righting friends
Circle Jerk it off What is the point here
(Old Spike)
That's a fucking funny comic.
(Long Spike)
Is 4-Chan a Left or Right site?
(Old Spike)
It is an everything site. A surface internet mecca of freedom of information and free expression, the good and the bad...
(Long Spike)
That's a very pleasant bullshit answer and your attempt at a falsehood made me laugh. Thanks, friend, but I'm looking for someone who doesn't peddle in bullshit.
(Short Spike)
4 chan is chaotic neutral but right love to use what they do for their own bs
(Short Spike)
I switched from spiked to 4chan months ago
think of 4chan as your spiked brain on crack!
(Old Spike)
"That's a very pleasant bullshit answer and your attempt at a falsehood made me laugh. Thanks, friend, but I'm looking for someone who doesn't peddle in bullshit."
Groth, I know you're a smart guy. If I remember coorectly? You are a General Manger of a hotel? So a people person too.
Compliments by the way. No bullshit.
You really need to look into the SUB communications of what I said. Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information does not always mean pleasant things. It just means the information and expression is there and the messages are largely unpunished by the site authority
(Short Spike)
Aldous Huxley you are not.
Maybe 16 year old smoking pot re-thinking societal freedoms and calling your virgin bud a fellow intellectual
(Old Spike)
4chan is a discussion website like reddit but the infamous part of it is the political discussion board. That board is for trolling challenges and competitions. They used to target a lot of right wing stuff, like prayer hotlines: calling in to live prayer shows to make vulgar requests ha ha ha. Then they realized how easily they could troll the MSM into covering fake news stories, so since the election they have mainly targeted leftwing news outlets by putting out bullshit that they can't resist publishing as true. The Republic of Florida is their latest victory - it's sort of a quasi-doxx/prank. The MSM offers many lols with their inability to comprehend what 4chan is doing, or even what 4chan actually is, which is the very last place you'd want to go to get information after a mass shooting as a professional journalist. The last place.
4chan is where the Qanon troll has been playing trying to fool right wing conspiracy theorists with crazy stories from "inside the White House". 4chan's pol board was responsible for "It's okay to be white". I guess their greatest victory was getting the Russian pissgate hoax into the Trump dossier. The best way to convey 4chan's pol board as it currently stands is through this 4chan pol simulator, which is designed to try and give you a realistic 4chan pol experience.
(Long Spike)
"They used to target a lot of right wing stuff, like prayer hotlines: calling in to live prayer shows to make vulgar requests ha ha ha."
Oh, man, that's a LOT of "right wing stuff"...prayer lines. The epitome of right wing. So when you say "they used to target a lot of right wing stuff", you mean that they targeted religious idiots. Any other examples? Because it seems as though their roasting of the right wing is very, very tepid.
I also very much enjoy the hypocrisy of you constantly critiquing the MSM for being intellectually dishonest while actively applauding people who intentionally spread fake news for the lols. Even non-MSM news outlets reported on it, such as your hero and mine, Phillip DeFranco. He had to apologize for the transmission of this news the next day but he didn't shit his pants over it because he knows that there are people out there who intentionally spread fake news for the lols, guys. I also noticed multiple MSM sites quickly retracted and updated their stories when they realized they were duped as well; but you're not high-fiving them...you're high-fiving the people who are legit creating misinformation. Your judgment is fucked.
(Old Spike)
I don't applaud them and neither does MR. OBVIOUS. He said in the vid he doesn't like that 4chan doxxes people among other things. I have to wonder about your judgement sometimes - like the channel 4 lady you just imaged a whole bunch of shit that isn't real because you're triggered. 4chan has pulled off some incredibly cruel and nasty hoaxes over the years. They'll take the piss out of whoever they can get the best rise out of. Currently it's reactionary leftwing establishment and cultural Marxist types like you. I don't really know that much about them other than from the compilations of "best 4chan hoaxes or dirty memes" or what have you and a few news articles, and based on the chronology it looks like they used to target right wing religious nuts yes (not sure why that bothers you so much().
As I said most recently they've had enormous success trolling the MSM. Sorry bud I don't know what else to tell you but hang in there. You know, to be honest when it comes to these MSM embarrassments I don't understand why you chime in at all. What do you owe a bunch of hack "journalists" anyway? Instead of the repeated examples of bias and unprofessionalism bothering you, what bothers you is that some dorm kids keep exposing it. I think that's weird.
(Long Spike)
The MSM is very public and very watched...which means it's harder to slip through shit like this. Did they, and alternative news sources such as Philip DeFranco fuck up for a single day? Sure. But you're sitting here giving 4Chan a free get out of jail card ("some dorm kids"...4Chan has been around for over 15 fucking years...how long are they all in college?). They are the progenitus of fake news and you're just saying they're "dorm room kids" just having a laugh and intentionally trying to mislead others.
Fuck them. They've been around for 15 years and what is the most positive thing they've done? "Troll" the news networks by lying through their teeth? Yeah, really good job guys.
(Old Spike)
I don't know why being a dorm room kid would be giving someone a pass - dorm room kids are adults after all. It's a statement about their maturity - they are clearly immature shit disturbers. The whole point of 4chan is the anonymity that offers a playground for immature dorks on the Internet to amuse themselves I guss. I've never used it. Again you're playing movies in your head I haven't seen. The whole point of being a journalist reporting the news is to have a professional discipline that prevents this sort of thing from happening. What wasn't really highlighted here was the problem of the MSM echoing and amplifying the error of one journalist because the details feed a confirmation bias. In a race to "cover" the new development all of the outlets propogate the error.
It's all very fascinating - no way to say MSM isn't just complete shit in every way when it comes to reporting these kinds of events. In fact they actually do a lot of harm - you try to make it sound like the MSM shit news "reporters" are the poor helpless victims of online predators. I guess I would compare what 4chan did here to the dude who smuggled fake bombs and guns through TSA airport checkpoints to prove a point. Kind of an asshole thing to do but, at the same time, you can't ignore what it exposes either. I know you have a really hard time with the nuance of that kind of thing but I'm here to help you through it.
(Short Spike)
It's for internet children with undeveloped egos
(Short Spike)
....and useless faggots
(Old Spike)
"It's for internet children with undeveloped egos"
The voice in your head AKA The Ego is not a good thing and has glaring weaknesses that take control of your emotions.
The sooner you learn that, the sooner I will have a better opponent.
(Short Spike)
teach me obi dumb ka nobrain
(Old Spike)
I could give you the latest version of my life handbook and you still wouldn't understand it.
(Long Spike)
im confused, so was he not part of the militia thing?
(Old Spike)
No he was not. 4chan fooled good old Berg here and he's pretty embarrassed now.
(Short Spike)
Thanks for enloghtening us with your well thought and researched opinion once agsin. Thank god for this sage