2018 Taurus Lineup

sal9000's picture

Taurus Lineup at 2018 SHOT Show

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Average: 3.7 (7 votes)


theblackswordsman's picture
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I love that full size 1911.


My fav handgun!

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phanto's picture

What's the point of having an oversized full length shroud if it isn't for the added weight?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It's to dress the barrel. Longer barrel equals more accuracy at distance. It probably does have a higher recoil than other magnums in its class due to it's lighter barrel which lowers firing speed, but it's more meant for day long competitions and practice.


 Also, like other arts. Presentation and ergonomics are important.


Usually before you look into a guns performance you will be introduced to a sexy "looking" gun then it may inspire you to research more and maybe try one for yourself.

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phanto's picture

The only valid answer is to make the gun look "cool". I just wanted to point out the silliness of making a full length barrel shroud (or full underlug in case you want to be pedantic) out of lightweight material when the purpose of a full underlug is to add weight.


Barrels don't need to be "dressed" especially when you're trying to save on weight, that lightweight barrel shroud has nothing to do with ergonomics and longer barrels definitely do not necessarily equate to more accuracy.

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Trevicahn's picture

Longer barrels most certantly do equate to better accuracy.  Thats an easy google. 

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Trevicahn's picture

Not just for more rifling, or a more complete gun powder burn. But length increases the sighting radius. 


Dont get me wrong though,  that .44 mag is totally ridiculous.  



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phanto's picture

- How much rifled barrel a bullet passes through has absolutely no incidence on accuracy as long as the bullet has enough spin to be properly stabilized. If it can achieve enough spin to be stable in a 3inch barrel then adding 7 more inches of barrel after that won't change anything in that matter.


- Unless you are using a powder of completely inappropriate burn rate the all-burnt point of a powder in a barrel is typically much closer to the chamber than people might expect. When people see the muzzle blast being more important in a shorter barreled firearm they assume that it is unburnt powder but this usually false. Part of it is the result of chemical reactions between carbon monoxide by the combustion gasses and the oxygen in the air when they get in contact at a certain pressure and temperature. The fact that the pressure inside the barrel is higher when the bullet leaves a shorter barrel is the reason why the muzzle blast is generally greater. There is however a phenomenon where the pressure waves inside a barrel tend to be more dynamic earlier during the firing sequence which is detrimental to accuracy to some degree. But these are counteracted by barrel harmonics where a longer barrel will tend to have more barrel whip and therefore has a potential for worse accuracy. In the realm of handguns however, neither of those matter. This is true unless you go into the extremes (i.e. a 1 inch barrel). But the current discussion is about a normal sized revolver (5-6 inch barrel) versus something as ludicrous as this revolver (10-12 inch barrel).


- A longer sight radius does make the gun easier to shoot accurately for the shooter by making a more consistent sight picture easier to achieve. But it does not improve the gun's inherent accuracy and it gets diminishing returns as the sight radius increases. It also does not matter if you are going to mount an optic or electronic aiming device on the gun, which is what the salesman explained this gun was essentially meant for. 



The most significant functional advantage of a barrel this long is a greater muzzle velocity should this gun be used for hunting or kocking down metal plates at extended ranges in matches such as Silhouette. Which gives it a legitimate purpose. However the oversizing of the shroud on it is purely aesthetic. 

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subroutine's picture
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i hope i can buy one with my school lunch money.

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