Camera noise volume is resolved at 5:30. This is about as newsworthy as shit gets, and I've posted it here so you can see it and comment on it. And if this is too long to watch, a photographer who was on the ball snapped a photo of Trump's talking points for the meeting that Trump accidentally revealed during the meeting.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
-Build walls around the schools and use the extra materials for the big wall.
-Or go full on police state and set up guard posts and checkpoints at every "school zone" sign on the streets.
Citizens are asking for their own policing btw
(Long Spike)
"Citizens are asking for their own policing btw"
That is interesting that you bring that up. It's an odd world we live in because the *standard* should be a fair amount of gun control, but we have none. Because the right wingers won't allow gun control the next best step is a military state.
(Long Spike)
The veiled "Pro-massacre" stance by the NRA and "Anti-gun grabber" community is going to win any debate when the money behind them is taken into account and there isn't any question about it. I don't want my guns taken away but I'm definitely finding the "Fill schools with guns to protect school children from guns" stance a bit disingenuous while being the ultimate in building business from an economic point of view. The gun industry using the tragedy to build their business is pure marketing genius. Impressive.
(Site Moderator)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Not ncecessarily, but because of the nature of North American society probably. I always point at Japan, which employs a community policing approach that has worked very well for generations. The cops you deal with live on your block and know everyone. Now, Japanese society is unusually homogeneous and stable so it works for them. It probably wouldn't work here due to difference in how individuals perceive the role of police, their place in the community, etc. It's still a nice idea though - not a police state, but a much more local arrangement for these things.
(Old Spike)
Man, I watched that Town Hall thing on CNN last night, and that cop's solution to the problem was suggesting the police should have the authority to diagnose people as crazy and involuntarily put them in a mental institution. He's pretty much describing the exact nightmare scenario that makes gun owners not want to give up any part of their 2nd amendment rights.
Is this real life?
(Old Spike)
Fear is the bread of tyranny.
(Old Spike)
It's wierd that a countries have presidents. It's like he's everyone's daddy. Expected to comfort them when times are tough but elected in a popularity contest. Glad we have just a PM who's in charge of the government & is doesn't try to hold my hand when shit goes down.