Justin Trudeau’s Indian Outfit


eh's picture

Jeeezus Caaariste this guy is a fucking idiot. Does he play well just in the Canadian retard set or do Canadians across the board take him as a serious competant representative of the country?

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scruples's picture

There are Canadians out there who seriously love him....like a lot. I gave him a chance when he got in and he's done SOME good, but he really is blinded by his own ideals and mobs of yes-men.

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Pulpgimp1's picture

The best are the pictures of him in bright Indian garb and the Indian official he's shaking hands with is just in a regular-ass western suit and tie.

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SirDraq's picture

His father is rolling in his grave

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skeptoid's picture

South Park should do a "Appropriating cultures around the world" song/video in the tradition of that "Russel Crow fighting 'round the world" skit they did. 


Also I didn't think it would be possible for Canada to produce something that would sink us even further into an insecure state of mild self-loathing than we already are. I keep getting proven wrong - last time was opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics when Gretzky was left dangling in front of the world while the torch-lighting set malfunctioned to our nation's complete embarrassment. I am often embarrassed for Canada, which should not suprise anyone here I suppose.


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SirDraq's picture

I honestly thought he would be soft and prepared accordingly, but this is fucking insane.


Watch him win again too... I really do not know how to feel anymore. It's hard to feel proud these days, when all we are known for is being kind.. There are worse traits I suppose.


We can't even win fucking hockey at the winter olympics anymore

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Love is not enough I'm afraid.


I always wondered how kind the world would be to us if the U.S. disappeared.



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skeptoid's picture

My older bro, retired special forces, says not kind at all. Whenever he hears some Canadian bashing the US or US military he gets that fightin' look in his eye and proceeds to educate them as to why they aren't making their complaints from a gulag.

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