Jehovahs Witness Anti Masturbation Instructional Video

Diashan's picture

Pillowgate Trailer - Creepy Jehovah's Witness anti-masturbation videos

The Jehovahs Witnesses have made an induction video for people who volunteer at thier HQ.

They must have had some issues they needed to address.

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)


andypeterson35's picture

Me and spikedlegend were raised in that sexually repressive cult. We know all about that “religion “.

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Diashan's picture

same here, managed to get my wife and kids out, no need for me to expand on how that went down with the friends and family, you know how it works.

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andypeterson35's picture

Well, at least you got your family out

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trooper_trent's picture
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andypeterson35's picture

It’s really sad; just look closely at the faces of the guys on the thumbnail image. It’s like deep down they sorta realize they be been duped their whole lives and now that their old it’s too late to live life to the fullest 

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