J.Peterson Vice Comparison


danmanjones's picture

"Go wave your idiot far-right flag at some rally with a bunch of pasty-faced morons"

- Dr. Jordan Peterson.

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GKhan's picture

Hard to follow the differences but the interview was entertaining.

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puttefnask's picture

So hard to notice that there were large amounts of minutes missing, which then was stringed together into a seemingly continuous conversation?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Why did Vice release the uncut version if games like this hurt it's credibility?


Would have been much easier to seal up the unedited reel.

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puttefnask's picture

Everything Vice does hurt their credibility. It's what they do.


My guess is that it was released as a response to major outcry or even massive dislike ratings on the video. There was one clip in there where Jordan went from a completely different seating position in during the same sentence. But they cut it with the different cameras which made it hard to notice.

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simplex's picture

Jordan's nonesense reminds me of this:





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nsmo's picture



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CombatGod's picture

Sorry but what kind of retard posts something like this in order to make a broad statement about what you consider an opposing side? Are humans really this retarded? This bullshit is done by both sides my friend. There are no magic bullets here. Stop pretending like the sports team you signed up for doesn't make mistakes. No side is right, the truth is in the middle. Stop being fucktards and start listing to other people.

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