Just pure comedy. Donald Trump at a meeting of governors after the Parkland, Florida school shooting professed that he would have charged into the school while the shooter was gunning down students and while unarmed, he would try to stop the murderer. Trump, who dodged the draft 5 times by paying a doctor to help his deferment with bone spurs, is the hero we want and the hero we need. His courage is beyond question and any veteran will tell you Trump is the guy you want in a fox hole next to you.

(15 votes)
(Long Spike)
Raw courage and out to serve others.
(Long Spike)
OMG.. so funny. Great Story.
Did you hear the one where he got out of his limo and intervined in a mugging where a guy was getting beaten with bat?
(Long Spike)
*Think of me chuckling while reading this sentence from your link*:
"Witnesses said Trump, with Marla Maples tugging at his arm to try to stop him, leaped from his black stretch limousine Monday evening during the assault on Ninth Ave. near 45th St."
(Long Spike)
Usually the guys who have to TELL you how heroic they would be are the ones filled with the most shit.
(Long Spike)
Along with people who constantly tell you how smart they are and constantly say "Believe me". If someone is smart, it's obvious and they don't need to tell you they are smart because they think they are. Just like someone constantly saying "Believe me", as it's a sign they are possibly lying. BIG red flags.
(Old Spike)
Your comment immediately made me think of this:
(Long Spike)
Not a word about Trump saying he would have charged the school shooter while unarmed? Nothing? His take requires the opinions of the full range of Spiked commenters.
(Old Spike)
I hadn't actually watched it yet. I don't care that much what Trump says from day to day and don't really follow him. I was surprised that this was only 13 seconds. Is this causing a big todo or something - that he said that? Because what I find interesting about it is that he actually said nothing. He said essentially this (in his best "let's make a deal" inflection): "We never know until we're tested, but we all believe that we would have run in there even if we weren't armed with a firearm." I don't have children, but I know enough about a parent's love to know that this is undeniably true for the parents of the kids that were in that school - most if not all of them would have charged into the school to stop the shooter with a psychotic panic that only a mom or dad who fears their child is about to die can produce.
I have noticed that when suffering children are the focal point of the current issue (LOL DACA notwithstanding) Trump has shown repeatedly that he can be easily persuaded (manipulated?) to negotiate a response that satisfies most parties (Syria strike pissed me off big time). I think he does this as much out of a genuine emotional concern as for the optics of trying to appear like the man who will save the children. Trump has always been a guy who says "I could have done that" or "done better" and although that frequently has him saying insanely stupid things in this case strangely the context has actually aligned with his sentiment.
I'm 41-years-old and my feeling is the same as Trump's - whether it's a school shooter or a Paris-like mass machine-gun killing (which btw I personally missed by exactly one week only because the client moved the date of our meeting up one week) I think at this point in my life I'd be looking for a way to fight back and would hope for the same from everyone else. Look at what happened in Garland Texas when they had a draw Mohammed contest - two guys showed up with assault rifles (not a pimple-faced teen headcase like Cruz) and started shooting at the building and were immediately gunned down. That had as much to do with everyone's attitude in general and with regard to firearms as it did with the fact that said firearms were readily available. Those deputies that cowered while that nutcase shot 17 people to death clearly did not have the requisite attitude to affect the outcome despite the fact that all were armed with firearms. Here's a clip from the Russian Intelligence services:
(Long Spike)
LOLOLOL That's more like it. Well done.
(Old Spike)
Made this video 6 days before the Paris attack. It was Saturday night and the previous Friday night the sales manager and myself had gone bar and cafe hopping all around Paris (he got too drunk and got us lost) and we hung out in two of the places that were shot up (or blown up - can't remember) one week later. And the crazy thing is the trip had originally been planned to be a week later than it was but with short notice (like 48 hours) it had been pushed up a week. I was handing out Eiffel Tower souvenirs - putting them on everyone's desks at the office in Waterloo Canada - when the news broke about the attacks. So I've often thought about what I would have done or could have done if I had been there - would I have been killed? Would I have run in an unthinking panic or would I have tried to fight back?
(Long Spike)
.....or you may have charged the men with assault rifles and attempted to disarm them. That is a weird feeling you had. I know it because I was at the World Trade Center just a few days before September 11, 2001 on a school trip. It still doesn't feel real.
Wait, so Hope Hicks has left the carnival ship? Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Long Spike)
Holy fuck dude, can you just go suck off trump already? is this really what you spend your free time obsessing about?
(Site Administrator)