All this makes me think of is Command and Conquer, so yea.
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bronobo (Long Spike)
OSHA would have a field day with the Death Star. That last scene where those guys had no eye protection, no barrier between them and a giant laser beam, and especially no handrails over a huge drop.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
You can't have Hell March without the OG Hell Marcher.
(Long Spike)
All this makes me think of is Command and Conquer, so yea.
(Long Spike)
OSHA would have a field day with the Death Star. That last scene where those guys had no eye protection, no barrier between them and a giant laser beam, and especially no handrails over a huge drop.
(Old Spike)
You can't have Hell March without the OG Hell Marcher.