Damn man - this is some crazy shit. Thought this had to be clickbait but I guess not?
Average: 4.1(14 votes)
skeptoid (Old Spike)
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
u cant say he didnt deserve it
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Wow, pretty fucked up.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Aren't these your kind of people? They're fighting fascist, right?
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Aren't politicians who pray to GAWD and JEEZUS while decrying how Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto turn children into killers your kind of people?
If the answer is "no" then perhaps you can join us in the real world instead of plastering political stereotypes onto others.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Calm down Mr. Fudd, I was just asking a question.
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Pulpgimp1 (Short Spike)
Seems like a fair exchange of ideas
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Dhagon (Old Spike)
Well isn't that a bunch of very rational young adults calmly expressing their concerns in a dignified manner that will no doubt contribute to their overall success in adulthood.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Man these kids are pathetic.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
What a bunch of brave Communist running in there with their faces covered.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What's hilarious is when the plants in the audience start trying to cover their faces with their own banners. Their sudden realization that they're visibly supporting a mob commiting a violent crime is priceless. Suddenly pretend time turns real...
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Csmack (Short Spike)
Welcome to liberalism in 2018. These are their contributions.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
These liberals make up as many liberals as there are conservatives saying that rock and roll music causes mass shootings. They are a very, very small minority that is the loudest.
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Csmack (Short Spike)
Except dozens to hundreds of leftists manage to mobilize on college campuses around the country to shut down conservative speakers. There is nothing remotely like this coming conservative university students. Leftists have gone out of control and there is this baffling refusal of so called moderate liberals to condemn it. Much of this is fueled by the left's identity politics, and by no means is that a fringe platform of the left.
Sam Harris tackles this idea that the left and right share this behavior equally:
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
The most conservative university in America would come off as Leftist to you. I live right next to Notre Dame, Indiana, a professed CATHOLIC university that has been known to expel student for getting drunk. The surrounding counties consider us to be liberals and each and every election St. Joseph county goes Left as the gay Democrat mayor of the neighboring metropolis (South Bend) reigns supreme.
Young, educated people tend to be Lefist.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
"Young, educated people tend to be Lefist."
Young, indoctronated people tend to be Leftist because their professors tend to be Leftist. They are not "educated" because they have some bullshit degree and no actual skillset.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Question 1: Did you go to college?
Question 2: Were you indoctrinated?
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
my dogma's better than your dogma
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Csmack (Short Spike)
Lovely strawman, but you didn't actually address anything I said. I'm well aware of ND. Great school, I amost went there actually. Again, maybe try actually addressing the point Sam Harris and I raised: Where do you see anywhere near the same scale of conservatives on college campuses engaging in silencing of free speech, violence, and indocrination as you see by leftists?
I live in SF and have seen the consequences of leftism gone rampant at Berkeley especially. For more examples: Evergreen State, Middlebury, etc.
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
Some narrow minds have megaphones and others have tiny comment boxes
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
u cant say he didnt deserve it
(Long Spike)
Wow, pretty fucked up.
(Old Spike)
Aren't these your kind of people? They're fighting fascist, right?
(Long Spike)
Aren't politicians who pray to GAWD and JEEZUS while decrying how Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto turn children into killers your kind of people?
If the answer is "no" then perhaps you can join us in the real world instead of plastering political stereotypes onto others.
(Old Spike)
Calm down Mr. Fudd, I was just asking a question.
(Short Spike)
Seems like a fair exchange of ideas
(Old Spike)
Well isn't that a bunch of very rational young adults calmly expressing their concerns in a dignified manner that will no doubt contribute to their overall success in adulthood.
(Old Spike)
Man these kids are pathetic.
(Old Spike)
What a bunch of brave Communist running in there with their faces covered.
(Old Spike)
What's hilarious is when the plants in the audience start trying to cover their faces with their own banners. Their sudden realization that they're visibly supporting a mob commiting a violent crime is priceless. Suddenly pretend time turns real...
(Short Spike)
Welcome to liberalism in 2018. These are their contributions.
(Long Spike)
These liberals make up as many liberals as there are conservatives saying that rock and roll music causes mass shootings. They are a very, very small minority that is the loudest.
(Short Spike)
Except dozens to hundreds of leftists manage to mobilize on college campuses around the country to shut down conservative speakers. There is nothing remotely like this coming conservative university students. Leftists have gone out of control and there is this baffling refusal of so called moderate liberals to condemn it. Much of this is fueled by the left's identity politics, and by no means is that a fringe platform of the left. Sam Harris tackles this idea that the left and right share this behavior equally:
(Long Spike)
The most conservative university in America would come off as Leftist to you. I live right next to Notre Dame, Indiana, a professed CATHOLIC university that has been known to expel student for getting drunk. The surrounding counties consider us to be liberals and each and every election St. Joseph county goes Left as the gay Democrat mayor of the neighboring metropolis (South Bend) reigns supreme.
Young, educated people tend to be Lefist.
(Old Spike)
"Young, educated people tend to be Lefist."
Young, indoctronated people tend to be Leftist because their professors tend to be Leftist. They are not "educated" because they have some bullshit degree and no actual skillset.
(Long Spike)
Question 1: Did you go to college?
Question 2: Were you indoctrinated?
(Short Spike)
my dogma's better than your dogma
(Short Spike)
Lovely strawman, but you didn't actually address anything I said. I'm well aware of ND. Great school, I amost went there actually. Again, maybe try actually addressing the point Sam Harris and I raised: Where do you see anywhere near the same scale of conservatives on college campuses engaging in silencing of free speech, violence, and indocrination as you see by leftists?
I live in SF and have seen the consequences of leftism gone rampant at Berkeley especially. For more examples: Evergreen State, Middlebury, etc.
(Short Spike)
Some narrow minds have megaphones and others have tiny comment boxes