This is why you do gun control. It doesn't cut the number of crimes, but it severely reduces the severity of it. Good citizens can more effectively protect themselves and others when criminals have no legal gun owners to buy, borrow, or steal from.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
I find your reasoning, and your use of this particular example as "why you do gun control", to be somewhat wanting. How many examples like the one below should I post? Here's a similar argument - if everyone just waited to have sex until they were married and remained faithful there would be little to no STD issues anywhere, ever. So if I understand you correctly, based on this one example your solution to these random mass killings is to forcibly round up all 300 million plus guns in the US and destroy them so that criminals can't steal them from legal gun owners to commit random mass killings?
(Old Spike)
the flaw in your argument is everyone is already biologically equipped to have sex, and STD's exist regardless of any action we take. if you needed a permit to obtain genitalia and you couldn't even buy another person's already legally owned genitalia without that permit, we would have a lot fewer STD's. just like in my example.
tbh your argument goes more against gun control... even your video supports gun control. out of 159 people attacked, 29 died. that's less than a 20% mortality rate, and this was 10 attackers. mass shooters are much deadly. the columbine pair for example managed to kill 13 and wound 20, double the number of people killed per attacker and also double the mortality rate (39%). this is exactly like i said, gun control doesn't reduce the number of crimes - attacks still happen - it reduces the severity of it.
(Short Spike)
In some states you can legally rent other person's genitalia, your whole argument is invalid.
(Old Spike)
You're not understanding my point - as long as there is a will and opportunity to kill many it will continue to manifest. All you need is sufficient pressure and it would seem they begin to pop off like kernels bathed in boiling oil. As that pressure increases, more will pop off and they will use whatever they can to accomplish the mission. Death will find a way, so with this becoming an increasingly frequent horror now would obviously NOT be the time to dramatically reduce the self-defense capabilities of everyone else (by definition the potential victims).
Your argument is dangerous because it relies on an impossible hypothetical that wouldn't address the cause AT ALL - it would only shave off some of the means (in this imaginary impossible world you ponder). It's a shallow argument that supports mass gun-confiscation while not addressing the cause of mass violence. Here in the real world the problem must be solved at a deeper level of analysis by identifying the actual cause and addressing it. Unfortunately, the thing about memes is that once they manifest they are almost impossible to delete - it takes enormous multi-generational effort to even modify them. So, as long as the idea of "killing a bunch of people because I want society to pay, or I want revenge, or I want to be famous, or I hate existence itself" persists these acts will continue to occur, given the right amount and kind of pressure.