Defendant Shot In Courtroom

eh's picture

Defendant shot dead after attacking witness in a federal courtroom - Daily Mail

Crazy ass shit.


Shocking moment a Crips gang member defendant, 25, grabs a pen and launches himself at a witness before a marshal shoots him dead during a racketeering trial

Defendant Siale Angilau, 25, was shot dead in a Salt Lake City courtroom in 2014

Video of the moment he was shot was released by a federal judge on Monday.

The witness was another gang member who was testifying against Angilau

A deputy US Marshal then fired four quick shots at Angilau, killing him.

Average: 4.9 (15 votes)


Fullauto223cal's picture

Just so everyone is aware.  The left so loves to inflate their bullshit stats that they literally consider the man who was shot to be a "victim of gun violence".

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Trevicahn's picture
sato's picture

actually no, the fbi separates data from justifiable homicide by law enforcement, so those figures don't go into victims of crime data.

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eh's picture

Fake news!

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Hey SATO, I just read my post and, get this, I could not for the life of me find the part where I claimed the FBI inflates their stats.  I've read it like 10 times now and no matter how slowly I read it out loud I just cannot find "FBI" anywhere.


So that begs the question SATO, why are you being a dishonest douche and responding to a claim I never made? 


Might it be that you have no response to the actual claim stated?  That seems like a pretty good assumption if you ask me.

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Raining Blood's picture

wouldnt' sato's comment be a reply to Trevicahn's comment?

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sato's picture

as raining blood managed to work out, i wasn't, i was correcting trevicahn's reply to you.


i have no knowledge one or the other as to whether the left is inflating statistics, and so i don't doubt you when you say that they are. seems in line with their usual track too. trev said this death will be counted in the gun homicide stats, but it won't because the fbi has a separate category for this kind of thing.

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Trevicahn's picture

Huh. Thanks Sato. 


The more you know!

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Hate to nitpick, but I mean, he his in fact a victim of gun violence. In the literal sense. 

But yes, this will technically inflate that statistic...Because of how numbers work. 


You are right.  He is, in a very literal sense, the victim of gun violence.  HIGHLY JUSTIFIED AND ENTIRELY REASONABLE GUN VIOLENCE.  And that distinction is what the gun grabbing radical leftist just love to obfuscate.


If a gang banger shoots a rival gang banger in Chicago, the left tosses that into the mix and screams "GUN VIOLENCE!!!"


If a 150lb woman is sexually assaulted walking to her car in a dark parking lot and manages to shoot her attacker, the left lumps his injury into the pool and screams "GUN VIOLENCE!!!"


These two things are very different as you no doubt agree.  The left, in a very literal sense, says that they would rather the woman have no means of defense and suffer through her rape if but for the fantasy that one day criminals will suddently stop trying to kill each other.


If you're on the anti-gun left and pushing a narriative that the everyone should surrender their personal firearms to the State because people are being MURDERED at epidemic rates via the use of firearms then it makes sense to appeal to the lay persons common understanding of "gun violence" which assumes said violence to be unjustified.


If you want the many examples of how the left lies to push their anti-civil rights agenda feel free to check out this article.

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Trevicahn's picture

Fair enough.         Probably wouldn't just associate all this with the "left" as thats a huge sum of people who may not all agree on gun control and such.     Comes off as a 1950's "Red Scare" type of thing. The anti-gun left is probably more appropriate, which you used later on. 


But your point is valid. 

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The Evil Bat's picture

A well thought out and planned act of violence right here.

watch and learn

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thrasymacus's picture

So many quick reactions in this video.  The shooter, the guy right quick through the gate to subdue/assist, the other guy who, hand on weapon faces the audience, and even the witness with that nice spin out of the witness stand.  I guess no one told these guys the wheels of justice turn slowly.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you know. if he managed to kill the guy and live thru the gunshots he might have ended up doing less time.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

FA your video got voted off before I got to reply to you.  Not to mean to hijack this thread, but I'll reply here.


You posted something about cherry picking facts and then you posted a link about the world's homicide rates where the US was on 94th place or something. I was talking about gun-related homicides.  

I was looking at this: firearm-related death rate by country (sort the list by homicide)

On that list US of A is on 18th place. You might or might not agree with the 1st and 3rd world definitions, but looking at anything above the US seems to be somewhat underdeveloped countries with lower standards of living or as Trump might say "shitholes"



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sato's picture

good point. with adequate gun control or at least licensing, the USA would have an even better score than 94th place, because you'd have more people surviving crime.

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acdc51502112's picture

They do, go look up the 2012 congressional report that has been posted in other threads. It's introduction tells you what the federal history of gun ristrictions are as of 2012, and there is A LOT. Much of which goes against the CURRENT narrative.


There are plenty of gun control laws, the problem is, the people who commit crimes don't care. I would like to see the stats on how many murders by illegal firearms there are, or how many are "justified" out of the numbers, but that all gets obscured.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Frankly, that Marshal should get a bonus for saving Federal tax money feeding and housing that piece of shit for the rest of his life.

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eh's picture

Totally agree there. It's like the worry in states about murderers getting lethal injections and suffering. Then when you read about the horrific crimes they committed and the certainty of their guilt, it's stunning. A guy who murders 4 people, rapes a mother and small children, and lights the house on fire shouldn't be pitied concerning their execution. Slowly burning them alive is not cruel enough.

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sato's picture

yeah unfortunately it's not that simple. frame-ups are sometimes very complete, and can include complicity of the "criminal" who gets kickbacks for their family for taking the punishment in place of whoever the actual criminal was. dna evidence isn't even conclusive because 100's or even 1000's of people's dna is on everything all the time, and convictions even more than 10 years old get overturned regularly enough. you can release someone on a life sentence, but not when they've already been executed.


in response to FA, i agree on a justice level, but unfortunately here it's also not that simple. drug dealers rotting in jail has a bigger effect on crime deterrence than the criminal dying in the process. it's the reason we try not to create martyrs among the enemy, because psychologically it has the opposite effect to what we want to do.

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eh's picture

Oh, I'm just talking about the obvious guilty murderers. There are more than a few. When someone gets on the table for lethal injection, the evidence is beyond overwhelming with video, DNA, fingerprints, witnesses, and even admission of guilt in some combination. These people deserve a more painful death than mere sedation and death. A bit morbid maybe but they deserve it.

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