Ziggy is One with the Snow

skeptoid's picture

Ziggy is One with the Snow

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.4 (8 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Yes this is New Facebook - old Facebook can't be trusted. One, two, three comments and no ratings. Sal will say he never rates videos, which is pretty shitty of him considering how few people we have here. You two should be ashamed.


Image result for sarcastic clapping gif


SuperDuperNova it's called a Spiked Original - we sometimes post personal vids here. I haven't posted a Ziggy vid in ages, and I thank you for commenting.


Image result for sarcastic clapping gif


About 10% of what I post here gets voted off, depending on whether the super friends have been fed that day. 


Image result for sarcastic clapping gif


Sal dislikes dogs. 


Image result for sarcastic clapping gif


Yes I've been posting a lot - I love you all so much.


Image result for sarcastic clapping gif


And, finally, this page has 46 views and yet the YouTube video, which includes all 1366 of my subscribers, has only been viewed 25 times based on real-time stats. 


Image result for that's pathetic gif


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you think its shitty not to rate because you dont understand the perspective.


see. i dont vote for 2 reasons.

1. i feel as though my opinion shouldnt be a factor in whether or not someone else has the option of viewing content.

2. since content is already here and easily viewable. rating it to move it to a different section is redundent. if it stays it stays, if it dies it dies. if there is so few of us, we dont need different sections, you just scroll down.


with that in mind. asking people to rate seems like the actions of a narcissist.


side note. i love dogs. i know i'm not responsible/home enough to have one and not everyone that clicks the content plays the video. i didnt. i came for the comments.

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skeptoid's picture

The three of you, plus whoever else that didn't hit play, came here about 20 times to check the comments - try the Recent Content link instead LOL.


I thought you said your mother used to beat you with a dog on the regular? But you still love them, and that's admirable.


There are so few of us *members* left. There are a few thousand casual and nomadic viewers, as you know, and as you know they will tend to watch and stick with whatever's on the front page. 


Asking people to rate videos, regardless of who posts them, is the action of a Spiked National who understands how the site works. 


Image result for your argument is invalid

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

recent page only tells you there is a new comment, it doesnt tell you who commented or if its a reply to a comment.


so you as a "spiked national who understands how the website works". do you think the "few thousands of casual and nomadic viewers" are sitting on the front page looking at the same videos for sometimes up to a month instead of the recent tab? it could take days to make it to the front page. if your only seing something new show up every few days, whats the point?


i never said she beat it. i said she smacked it on the bum with a rolled up newspaper when it would shit on the floor or destroy something when it was young. in that same comment i did ask if the ends justify the means. i was drawing comparison of cesar milans methods to beating a dog. his methods and perspective is based off an incorrect study of wolves forced to live with non-related wolves. if they both have the same results, do the methods matter?

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skeptoid's picture

Your ignorant comments regarding Milan and canines notwithstanding you've made my point for me. When the front page goes stale for sometimes up to a week at a time it discourages the casual and nomatic viewers who yes come here and yes only look at the front page. How could you have been a member here for so long and have never noticed the difference in page views between the new content page and the front page?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if i'm ignorant, why do i know about Rudolf Schenkel and you dont

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skeptoid's picture

LOL Oh snap you're desperately trying to change the subject aren't you? Look at you lose your shit with a clumsy shit-post. As a Spiked National, you realize that there are easily 20 times more non-members than members who visit SpikedNation. I'm thinking of them, and of how their enthusiasm or lack thereof directly impacts the value and sustainability of this site, when I harp about members rating the vids they watch and watching what they rate. I've built a simple YouTube marketing funnel that has directed almost 1000 people to the site according to Google analytics. I think a more frequent variety of good videos appearing on the front page is good for the site. Too many stall at 4/5 or 5/5 with 8-10 votes because of members not participating. 


You assume my encouraging folks to vote is about wanting my own posts to be successful with your narcissism crack - that's a window into YOUR mind. You're often dark and petty and yet I'm asking you to vote on my posts for the good of the site knowing, based on your very open comments, you would rate the content I post poorly. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you asked and question i answer, i asked a question, you dont answer, to you i'm ignorant. thats a window into YOUR mind.


1750 people visit spikednation on dailybasis and thats since the switch in 2017. if you want to say your sending 1000 of them, fuck you. 90% of them come directly. so thats 175 people left. 3% search for the site so thats another 52 gone. 122 left. 4% a reffered. so thats 70 people visiting here. now you mention a youtube marketing funnel. your not sending people here. you have 1300 suscribers but only 4% could account for the views on your personal videos(less than 50 views). your most popular ones are usually taken from other sources. most, if not all of your views on personal videos could and probably do come from spikednation. none of your videos tell people to visit spikednation so how are you funneling youtube traffic here? are you using the gnomes strategy from south park? 1, make youtube vidoes, 2. ? 3. increase spikenation viewership

it makes no difference between members and non members. if everything goes to the recent page, and everyone that visits spikednation goes to the recent page, nobody is missing out on anything unless something gets voted off. people that go to youtube don't ignore the tabs and load more buttons, why would you assume non members ignore the recent/popular tab?  if you were thinking of the non-members would you not think it would be better for the recent to be the front page? that way they see everything


don't know how i would rate your content. you put up 42 things in the last week, i've only viewed 10 of them. out of those 10, some i didnt even watch the video, came for the comments. of the other 32, i've either already seen it or not interested in it, so i'm not really active enough to say how i would rate your stuff.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL Dumbass -I have directed about 1000 here: That doesn't mean they took the direction. I have no idea how many actually came here: You're so cute when you're concrete. I'd be surprised if more than 1% or 2% actually visited the site. Back in my direct sales days I found cold-calling returned about a 25% appointment rate, and of those appointments there was about 5%-10% sales. With a simple marketing funnel it's probably going to be higher than that, but I like to stay conservative.


The viewcount disparity between the new page and front page proves that "everyone that visits spikednation" doesn't go to the recent page. Instead the best videos, which are voted on by a tiny subset of the overall viewership, are voted to the front page or off the site, or nowhere. That's what it means to be a Spiked National. Obviously. What's up with you - is everything okay?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

see. you didnt respond to any question i asked. only asked 2, how are you sending people here when you make no mention of spikednation and would it not be better to send people to the recent page instead.


you've made it pattern of not answering question and just asking more of your own ontop of it. if you didnt want to engage in argument you wouldnt. dont half ass it.


heres a good quote from a hero of yours, mr jordan peterson, it really fits the situation

“If you’re talking to a man who wouldn’t fight with you under any circumstances whatsoever, then you’re talking to someone to whom you have absolutely no respect.”


no questions marks in this comment. no need to reply or acknowledge this. i've stated my claim

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skeptoid's picture

You can visit my YouTube channel and easily see for yourself how I'm directing people to this site. You don't want me to respond because you're flailing. When you've been drinking I don't like to give you what you're begging for. Your position and your claim are both unsustainable.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

well its like your opinion man, could be worse, i could be more like you where i wouldnt answer because i don't like the question and when people ask for help i wouldnt help. but i preffer helping and answering






Since everytime I try to embed and image it breaks, here.
How are you supposed to upload something if the only option you get is past uploads?


Maybe if you didn't use a 1987 IBM PC with a Russian keyboard you would have more luck. No one knows what you're talking about, unless it's that new feature Nakey was talking about that automatically detects and prevents trolls from posting videos. I didn't think they had implemented that yet - impressive."





How do you post videos in the comments, please!!!



1. Make sure Text Format is set to Full HTML

2. Disable rich-text

3. Past embeded code into comment box "<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q7g6pTph1sc" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>"

4. Enable rich-text if you want to continue adding to comment or hit save"






how do you drag the video in thier like that?


first thing you need to do is get the embeded code. so if you right click on a youtube video and choose copy embed code. you can then past that into a commend box. but before that you have to disable rich-text at the bottom before pasting the code. once its pasted renable rich-text if you want to do anymore typing. the last thing is to make sure your Text Format is set to Full HTML or it won't work"


its better that were different

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eh's picture



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skeptoid's picture

LOL Holy shit how much have you been drinking? Is that retard fasfasfasfasfas a personal friend of yours or have you just hit your head? LMAO You gave someone help once, so now you don't have to explain why you post a ton of shit yourself but NEVER rate a video?


Please, tell me more....

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

sure. the way i found that example of you not helping was by searching for "thank you skeptoid". wanted to see if there was an instance of someone thanking you. but struck gold instead


so is fasfasfasfasfas my friend of an account of mine? if it was either. your accussing me of some machiavellian shit. i would have had to make or have someone make that account and ask a question hoping you would troll it. than hope other instances would occure that i would help for the purpose of months later using it to compare us. that would be impressive but, its probably just your paliperidone is getting low

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skeptoid's picture

You're the only person talking about accounts. You've done it twice today (the other mention was in your LOL "Skeptard" thread), which is a bit odd. I meant a personal friend like Raining Blood because I was trying to figure out why you'd be bent out of shape about me "not helping" some idiot that was spamming and making nonsense comments. I notice that when you're drunk suddenly the shift key is out of your reach. Anyway, I think it's clear to both of us that you won't be offering a coherent answer to the question of why you don't rate videos.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i said i would make it get to the front page. i didnt say i would make accounts to vote it to the front page. i told you that you should make some accounts.

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skeptoid's picture

I don't wanna make some accounts. Sometimes I feel like there are two sal9000s. Version 1 is the one we interact with 90% of the time but it's like 10% of the time the real sal9000 has to go offline for a few days because he sometimes works in a deep mine extracting nickel or quartz or something, and he gets his 12-year-old nephew who thinks it's cool not to hit the Shift key to fill in for him on SpikedNation. And he tells him "Bug the hell out of that Skeptoid guy while I'm away - if you can get him to swear 5 times in one comment or write more than 4000 words arguing with you in one comment thread I'll give you $20 when I get back."

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eh's picture
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