Off The Trump Train

eh's picture

Alex Jones: I’m Off The Trump Train!

Off the sanity train obviously but a calm, grounded, and a relatively cognizant of reality Alex Jones is a news spectacle in itself.

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)


eh's picture
The carnival act marches on.
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danmanjones's picture

I get the feeling you didn't watch past 2 mins.

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eh's picture

Oh, I actually watched the whole thing. I was kidding. Jones was his normal bizarre, detached, unbalanced, and insane Trump fluffer who Trump loves.


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Fullauto223cal's picture

Hey Eh, would you mind telling us who you supported during the 2016 primary?

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eh's picture

I didn't support anyone. As I've said, the 2016 election even from the beginning had the worst choices in my lifetime at the very least. Let me guess, you supported the pathological liar leader of the carnival show in the Whitehouse right now. ST


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skeptoid's picture

This video has a Scoville sarcasm rating of 9000.

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ninjzz3.0's picture

The Alex Jones who told his legions of “Infowars” listeners that bogus stories about the U.S. government being behind the 9/11 attacks and about Hillary Clinton operating a pedophile ring out of a Washington D.C. pizza joint is really “a performance artist.”

That’s according to Jones’ own lawyer — not the mainstream media that the right-wing radio jock derides as “fake news.”

“He’s playing a character” and is nothing like his online persona, attorney Randall Wilhite reportedly insisted in a Texas courtroom at a pre-trial hearing ahead of the right wing radio jock’s custody battle with ex-wife Kelly Jones

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