I forgot to add a that "biological sex is a social construct".
Average: 4.3(19 votes)
Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
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napalm4sd (Long Spike)
Why are you willfully ignorant regarding this topic? Nobody says biological sex is a social construct. It's gender that is the social construct. They are different.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Ugh, dude. I didn't make that graphic. That's literally pulled directly from dude's (and that is a dude no matter what you or anyone else claims) YouTube page. So I guess your claim that "nobody says biological sex is a social construct" is just fucking wrong.
And BTW, gender is also not a social construct and Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder.
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pyranos (Short Spike)
Going to vouch for Fullauto here. That guy on youtube says shit like that all the time. Also says that we wouldn't date him we are terrible people. Trans-trending and narcissistic...
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Pulpgimp1 (Short Spike)
Godamnit babe I was gonna wait a few days before uploading another Atlanta clip and this was the one I was gonna do. You're lucky I like you and the show so fudgin much or else I'd start a race riot up in this mug. 5/5
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Needless_Kane (Old Spike)
Nigga you gay, LOL
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
This was a good clip. Looks like a challenging show.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Have you managed to get into the Discord server yet?
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
No, I worked late so I didn't get off until about 10:00 a.m. and then it was real life work after that.
I don't have any digital access to Magic...do I need to download MTGO or something? How does playing over Discord work?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Sorry I wasn't clear. The Discord server is a way to play paper magic online. You simply jump into a voice channel and then there's a bot command to create an appear.in link where you use a webcam pointing at your play mat to see each other's board states. It's all completely free of charge.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I'm too old of a man. I don't have a webcam. I'd also have to create a Commander deck, which wouldn't be too hard to do. I have some of the 2014 and 2016 pre-made commander decks still built, but a few of them I scavenged for cards.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Those pre-cons are fine. Different people play at different power levels. Most of my decks are precon. And don't give me that old man shit, you aren't fooling anyone. You can get a 720p webcam on Amazon right now for 20 - 30 dollars.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Eh, you may see me on one day soon. I'd probably just go buy a junker from Meijers or Wal-Mart. I wouldn't use it for anything else.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
That's fine, you should see the shit quality of some of the people I play with. So long as everyone can see that you have cards and you aren't swapping shit in and out unfarily. And proxies are allowed and encouraged. So if you have a deck idea you can just proxy that shit to work out the kinks before spending big money on expensive cards.
PM me when you finally get on so we can link up and maybe get a game going.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Sounds good, you may hear from me this week on that Discord server. Also, is it only Commander?
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Hopium (Short Spike)
just get xmage
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Damn man, sorry I lost track of this threat. No, it's not just Commander. Some people there can and will play standard if you ask.
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blue_devil (Short Spike)
Gotta love the guy in the middle trying not to get involved :)).
My view on the matter is that there is a part of the brain that determinse how you seel yourself as :MALE or FEMALE and it is entirely possible to be a male and that part to not look like a male part in a brain scanner but it won't look 100% female ether if i remember correctly . And there is another part or a related part that deals with what you are attracted to ...
So a male with the fucked up part in the brain might think he is a female but the god damn rest of the brain is male and his body is male so sexual identity dismorphism is in my view a correct term but there is no such thing as 100% REAL female trapped in a male body because that would require a 100% female brain.
Males are under evolutionary preasure to be towards 100% male meaning males that dislike gays are not 100% the result of religion or societal ideology because going to war means you want someone that thinks like you and acts like you meaning another real man and not a wimpy woman and going on a succesfull hunt is the same thing because you can sync thinking patterns and instincts in the same way even if there is no visual or auditory communication.
Also it would be a evolutionary dezastre to be a male and use your resources to raise a kid that is not your own but that you think that is yours so that makes us males more competitive against eachother.
Now females are not that competitive against eachother for the right male because it is usually males that compete for females and try to prove themselves worthy and "win their hearths". How many realistic romantic movies have you seen where the girl competes against other girls to win the guy's affection ???
Males want to spread their genes to as many females as possible it does not cost them anything but females want to select the right male because the have to spend an enormous amount of resources raising a kid so they need to make sure her kid represents the best gene selection from the available pool.
Females are not created by evolution to be great warriors or hunters, they stay at home and take care of the kid. This is their evolutionary purpose if we are to take into consideration the whole human history and not what society considers backwards thinking today.
This also means there is no evolutionary preasure to be 100% straight female. They can be sexually attracted to both male and female but not to females only, this is where the evolutionary preasure comes in because female + female = no kids = no genes to pass on.
This is what we see today a lot of females that are not 100% straight and males don't care and other females don't care.
As a man would you get mad if your girlfriend cheated on you with another girl or would you go apeshit if it was a male that she cheated with ?
So why the long post you ask ?
Remember that kids get their dna half from males and half from female? Well this might be why gay males are born, fauly coding comming mostly from the female side because of the lack of evolutionary preasure for females to only be attracted to males.
A female can still get attention and have males compete for her even if she likes other woman but a male that likes other males will not have females compete for him and is a evolutionary dead end.
Last example:
If a hot female goes i only like other females because i identify as a male in a female body then you bet that some male out there is thinking girl i bet i can fuck you till you like me but if a strong male identifies as a female that likes other males there probably isn't going to be a girl out there that is going to be willing to risk spending her time and resourses to straighen him up.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Why are you willfully ignorant regarding this topic? Nobody says biological sex is a social construct. It's gender that is the social construct. They are different.
(Old Spike)
Ugh, dude. I didn't make that graphic. That's literally pulled directly from dude's (and that is a dude no matter what you or anyone else claims) YouTube page. So I guess your claim that "nobody says biological sex is a social construct" is just fucking wrong.
And BTW, gender is also not a social construct and Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder.
(Short Spike)
Going to vouch for Fullauto here. That guy on youtube says shit like that all the time. Also says that we wouldn't date him we are terrible people. Trans-trending and narcissistic...
(Short Spike)
Godamnit babe I was gonna wait a few days before uploading another Atlanta clip and this was the one I was gonna do. You're lucky I like you and the show so fudgin much or else I'd start a race riot up in this mug. 5/5
(Old Spike)
Nigga you gay, LOL
(Long Spike)
This was a good clip. Looks like a challenging show.
(Old Spike)
Have you managed to get into the Discord server yet?
(Long Spike)
No, I worked late so I didn't get off until about 10:00 a.m. and then it was real life work after that.
I don't have any digital access to Magic...do I need to download MTGO or something? How does playing over Discord work?
(Old Spike)
Sorry I wasn't clear. The Discord server is a way to play paper magic online. You simply jump into a voice channel and then there's a bot command to create an appear.in link where you use a webcam pointing at your play mat to see each other's board states. It's all completely free of charge.
(Long Spike)
I'm too old of a man. I don't have a webcam. I'd also have to create a Commander deck, which wouldn't be too hard to do. I have some of the 2014 and 2016 pre-made commander decks still built, but a few of them I scavenged for cards.
(Old Spike)
Those pre-cons are fine. Different people play at different power levels. Most of my decks are precon. And don't give me that old man shit, you aren't fooling anyone. You can get a 720p webcam on Amazon right now for 20 - 30 dollars.
(Long Spike)
Eh, you may see me on one day soon. I'd probably just go buy a junker from Meijers or Wal-Mart. I wouldn't use it for anything else.
(Old Spike)
That's fine, you should see the shit quality of some of the people I play with. So long as everyone can see that you have cards and you aren't swapping shit in and out unfarily. And proxies are allowed and encouraged. So if you have a deck idea you can just proxy that shit to work out the kinks before spending big money on expensive cards.
PM me when you finally get on so we can link up and maybe get a game going.
(Long Spike)
Sounds good, you may hear from me this week on that Discord server. Also, is it only Commander?
(Short Spike)
just get xmage
(Old Spike)
Damn man, sorry I lost track of this threat. No, it's not just Commander. Some people there can and will play standard if you ask.
(Short Spike)
Gotta love the guy in the middle trying not to get involved :)).
My view on the matter is that there is a part of the brain that determinse how you seel yourself as :MALE or FEMALE and it is entirely possible to be a male and that part to not look like a male part in a brain scanner but it won't look 100% female ether if i remember correctly . And there is another part or a related part that deals with what you are attracted to ...
So a male with the fucked up part in the brain might think he is a female but the god damn rest of the brain is male and his body is male so sexual identity dismorphism is in my view a correct term but there is no such thing as 100% REAL female trapped in a male body because that would require a 100% female brain.
Males are under evolutionary preasure to be towards 100% male meaning males that dislike gays are not 100% the result of religion or societal ideology because going to war means you want someone that thinks like you and acts like you meaning another real man and not a wimpy woman and going on a succesfull hunt is the same thing because you can sync thinking patterns and instincts in the same way even if there is no visual or auditory communication.
Also it would be a evolutionary dezastre to be a male and use your resources to raise a kid that is not your own but that you think that is yours so that makes us males more competitive against eachother.
Now females are not that competitive against eachother for the right male because it is usually males that compete for females and try to prove themselves worthy and "win their hearths". How many realistic romantic movies have you seen where the girl competes against other girls to win the guy's affection ???
Males want to spread their genes to as many females as possible it does not cost them anything but females want to select the right male because the have to spend an enormous amount of resources raising a kid so they need to make sure her kid represents the best gene selection from the available pool.
Females are not created by evolution to be great warriors or hunters, they stay at home and take care of the kid. This is their evolutionary purpose if we are to take into consideration the whole human history and not what society considers backwards thinking today.
This also means there is no evolutionary preasure to be 100% straight female. They can be sexually attracted to both male and female but not to females only, this is where the evolutionary preasure comes in because female + female = no kids = no genes to pass on.
This is what we see today a lot of females that are not 100% straight and males don't care and other females don't care.
As a man would you get mad if your girlfriend cheated on you with another girl or would you go apeshit if it was a male that she cheated with ?
So why the long post you ask ?
Remember that kids get their dna half from males and half from female? Well this might be why gay males are born, fauly coding comming mostly from the female side because of the lack of evolutionary preasure for females to only be attracted to males.
A female can still get attention and have males compete for her even if she likes other woman but a male that likes other males will not have females compete for him and is a evolutionary dead end.
Last example:
If a hot female goes i only like other females because i identify as a male in a female body then you bet that some male out there is thinking girl i bet i can fuck you till you like me but if a strong male identifies as a female that likes other males there probably isn't going to be a girl out there that is going to be willing to risk spending her time and resourses to straighen him up.
Evolutin at it's finest.
(Long Spike)
they are black