Are you paying too much for your Russian wives? YouTube played this ad for me a few minutes ago. YouTube also plays me ads for Indian dating services and housekeeping products from France for some reason.
(4 votes)
Are you paying too much for your Russian wives? YouTube played this ad for me a few minutes ago. YouTube also plays me ads for Indian dating services and housekeeping products from France for some reason.
(Short Spike)
YouTube ads are based totally on Search History right?
(Old Spike)
Oh gosh no - it's way more sophisticated than that. Clearly the algorithm has determined that I'm obsessed with Jordan Peterson and spend way too much time with my dog. Ergo Russian wife.
(Old Spike)
yea, google search history too. probably going to be an embarrassing situation when it settles in
(Old Spike)
I'm a French national living in India looking for a transactional woman, so there you go.
(Short Spike)
A one-time payment for a lifetime of love? How could anyone say no?